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The Education of Yesterday Farm Show is on a mission to preserve old machinery and educate the younger generation about old-time farming equipment and methods through demonstrations and activities.
This is the 14th consecutive year for the event which takes place on Saturday, October 20 and Sunday, October 21 at the intersections of State Route 60 and 16 (3685 Cass Irish Ridge Road, Dresden, Ohio). The event starts on Saturday at 10 am with regular family activities running until 5 pm followed by a hog roast and live music from bands including Tom Cline’s Acoustic Mayhem (5:30-7) and Tuscarawas River Band (7-10). Sunday’s festivities begin at 10 am and continue until 4 pm. The Co Mus Hill’s String Pickers will be Sunday’s musical entertainment with a performance at 1:30. It is supposed to be cloudy with cooler temperatures and no rain which should make for perfect fall weather for this event.
Working antique farm and construction equipment, tractors, trucks, fire trucks, cars and a variety of equipment will be on display. There will also be a variety of demonstrations using equipment like shelling corn, baling hay, corn chopping, soybean harvesting, corn picking, firewood making, tractor plowing, and more.
There is no cost to attend, but a couple of the attractions like the train rides or digger cost a small fee of $1. There are a variety of free kids activities as well such as a corn box, hay slides, pipe swings, and more.
Food will be available for purchase on the grounds by S&A Eat Stand and mini donuts from the Dresden Masonic Lodge 103, plus kettle-cooked soup beans over the fire.
Parking available by donation.
Check out the Country Crossroads Education of Yesterday Facebook page for more information.