The Tri-Valley Varsity Wrestling team has been hard at work over the past few weeks competing in several tournaments and bringing home some podium placement wins.
I stopped in on Saturday, December 29th 2018 to see the boys compete in the Coshocton Classic Tournament where they placed 8th out of 20 teams. Also from this tournament Tri-Valley took home 3 podium placements with Karter Jones getting 5th place at the 145lb bracket, AJ Collins brought home 4th place in the 195lb bracket, and Seth Schneider grabbed 6th place in the 285lb bracket. Great job Dawgs! Here are some of the other placements for the past couple of weeks in Varsity Wrestling.

Briggs Duals @ Copley HS (12/1)
1st Place out of 6 Teams
Went 5-0
Marlington Duals (12/7-12/8)
2nd Place out of 10 Teams
Went 7-2

Big Dawg Invitational (12/15)
5th out of 23 Teams
Wrestlers who reached the podium:
Sky Wisecarver 1st @ 106
Dylan Hines 1st @ 170
Curtis Huy 5th @ 170
AJ Collins 5th @ 195
Seth Schneider 2nd @ 285

GMVWA Tournament @ Vandalia Butler HS (12/27-12/28)
This is
Out of the
Dylan Hines 6th @ 170