Lady Dawgs Playoff Run Comes to an End at the Hands of Westerville South

In an extremely intense trial of wills against Westerville South, the Scotties took their first and playoff ending defeat from the Westerville South team. The entire game never saw a lead of more than single digits from either team, but in the end, it was who held onto the lead the longest that mattered and in this case, it was the Lady Cats.

The Scotties post-season playoffs began with a somewhat breezy win over the Walnut Ridge Scots in a game that was except for the first two points on the field, entirely run by the Scotties Team. Period after period the Lady Dawgs increased not only their score, but also their lead against the competition finishing the game with a whopping 62-42 to win the Central District, Division I Sectional title.

Next, coach Kurt Kaufman’s team fought a very good fight against the Westerville South team and even had the lead several times throughout the game. The girls came out of the gate in a shot for shot battle with Westerville that ended the first period with only a three-pointer separating the teams with Westerville at 17 and Tri-Valley at 14.

Westerville stepped up their charge in the second period boxing out the Scotties players and using their height advantage to block passes and land shots to get them 6 points ahead heading into the locker rooms for halftime.

Coming out of the break, the Scotties pulled themselves slowly closer to the lead scorers and kept pace with them to end the third period down only by 4 points at Westerville 44 – Tri-Valley 40.

The fourth period saw the true fight that the Lady Dawgs are known for bringing the aggressiveness and speed that they have used many times to put other teams out of the running. And for good measure, they added in an amazing three-point toss from nearly half court by Lauren King to the awe of not only the fans but also herself. But in the end, the Lady Cats were able to dig in just enough to hold onto a two-point lead ending the game at a saddening 56 – 54 win for Westerville South and an end to the Scotties playoff run. You put up one heck of a fight and you should definitely be proud ladies, congratulations on a great season!

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