Each year the Muskingum County Bar Association sponsors an essay contest for area seniors prior to Law Day. This nationally recognized day encourages reflection on the role of law in the foundation of the country and emphasizes how important it is to our society. Law Day has been observed on the 1st day of May for 62 years.
This year the essay theme was “Free Speech, Free Press, Free Society”. Out of the 15 students who submitted essays, three were selected to win scholarships.
A $1,500 scholarship was awarded to Chad Bell, a Tri-Valley High School Senior for his essay. Chad is the son of Craig and Traci Bell. After completing mission work Chad plans to study mechanical engineering and computer science at Bringham Young University.
Other scholarship recipients included Maddie Phillips, a senior at Philo High School who received a $1,000 scholarship, and Austin McCleary, a senior at West Muskingum High School who earned a $500 scholarship.
In celebration of Law Day, the recipients were honored at the Muskingum County Courthouse with a brief ceremony and presentation of the scholarships by Committee Chairman, Susan McDonald.

Chad’s Essay can be read below.
The Cost of Freedom
The word freedom embodies one of the greatest ironies in the English language, for the cost of freedom is anything but free. Freedom is not a ‘buy one get one free’ offer at your local department store; no, freedom is a commodity bought and sold with a price tag of human life. Freedom stands as the cornerstone of The United States of America, but it is a foundation laid down and paid for with blood, sweat, and tears. Millions of brave soldiers have defended this country from attackers on all sides; from British Redcoats in the Revolutionary War to Islamic Terrorists in the Middle East, the enemies of freedom have always plagued America. But when researching the most costly wars in this nation’s history, one finds that the Civil War stands as the deadliest war yet, with almost 500,000 soldiers dead. This war featured no foreign attackers with superior weaponry – instead, America’s most damaging war is the one fought against itself.
The founders of this great country understood the potential damage done by internal division. They rose up against the tyranny that oppressed them and created a free government: “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” Although the founders may have never imagined the grand destiny that awaited their newborn nation, they experienced limited freedom and wanted their descendants to avoid repeating history as is so often done. In his farewell address, George Washington warned the American people to beware of divisions amongst themselves and political
parties by whose power “unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people.”
Instead of heeding the wise words of a virtuous man, the American people
allowed themselves to be subdued and diverted from the cause of freedom by the divisive voices of political parties. Less than 100 years after the divisive revolutionary war with Britain, America once again turned against itself in the costliest war in its history. Brother battled brother as the words spoken by Abraham Lincoln proved to be prophetic: “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” What began as the world’s most innovative nation almost faced ruin because of internal divisions.
The divisions seen throughout American history can be seen repeating all around this very day. If the currently alarming trajectory of the United States is allowed to continue, America might once again face death and destruction at the hands of its own people. In a frightening fulfillment of George Washington’s forewarning, political parties divide the nation and unprincipled people subvert the power of the citizens. The partisan government is full of corruption, filled with scandals, and overflowing with
tactics that split the nation. Democracy and the rights of the people are threatened. Freedom is threatened.
It is imperative that the people of The United States once again become united, joined together in word and also in deed, to defend the freedoms that have been so costly afforded to this privileged generation. Instead of testing the limits of free speech with hateful, divisive words, citizens need to test the limits of freedom with their inspiring speech. Instead of pushing the limits of free press with falsified, slanderous material, the press needs to push the limits of freedom by declaring the decency of democracy. Instead of trying the limits of free society with racist, divisive actions, America must unite in trying to rebuild a free society. For though the price of freedom may be great, the alternative costs infinitely more.