2019 Dresden Homecoming: “A Salute to Our Flag”

July 10th – 13th

Homecoming Schedule:

• Wednesday- parade 6:30 (line up at 5:30 at the Tri-Valley Middle School) opening ceremony, Tri-Valley Band, salute to our Veterans, Walhonding rube band, Nightly Drawing 11 p.m.

• Thursday- 6:30 opening ceremony, fire dancers, HB7 Band, Nightly Drawing 11 p.m.

• Friday- 6:30 opening ceremony,
DJ Daniel Spiker, Crimson Wavelength Band, Nightly Drawing 11 p.m.

• Saturday morning- kiddie parade 10:00a.m. (Line up @ 9:30 at the 9th and main park) judging & activities,
Duck Race at noon (@ the Dresden pool) duck tickets are on sale now through Saturday
Discount ride tickets 1:00-4:00

• Saturday Evening- 6:30 Opening ceremony, Lou Bauers Square Dancing, Blackhand Hooch Band, Nightly Drawing 11 p.m.

2019 Homecoming Court:

2019 Dresden Homecoming Queen and Court: Freshman Attendant – Allie Norman, Senior Attendant – Cassedy Reger, Senior Attendant – Belle Norman, Crown Bearer – Billie Lynne Paynter, Queen – Cassie McDonald, Crown Bearer – Laney Stotts [Picture submitted by Roxanne Stafford]

2019 Dresden Homecoming Grand Marshals:

Grand Marshals Larry and Shirley King – Picture by Roxanne Stafford

Larry and Shirley are both honored they were chosen to be this year’s Dresden Homecoming Grand Marshals. Larry was born in Dresden. He is a 26-year member of the Dresden Village council. He retired this year from the fire department after 60 years. Shirley is a long time Dresden resident, she enjoys spending time with family, going to grandkids sports events, reading, working jigsaw puzzles, traveling, and enjoying retirement together. They’ve been married for 57 years and have 2 sons, 6 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. They both said “The Dresden Homecoming is a very worthwhile project, and we want to thank the Homecoming committee for putting it together.

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