The Scotties took their first loss of the early season on Thursday, August 27th, at Kenny Wolford Park in Dresden after their senior night celebration.
The visiting Panthers took an early 1 – 0 lead in the first half of the game but the Scotties were not about to let them score after that fighting defensively and offensively to keep possession of the ball for the remainder of the half. The Dawgs kept the ball in their side of the field for the majority of the half but just could not break the Panther defense and ended the half down 1 – 0.
The Second half of the game did brought a couple of close goal shots for the Scotties but there was still no breaking the Panther defense and Maysville walked away with a victory over Tri-Valley.
Honoring The Seniors
No. 11 Josie Boyd – Josie has played soccer for 3 years in High School and plans to get his Class A CDL and attend an apprenticeship program for Operational Engineers after High School.
“Leave it all on the field no matter how hard it may seem, find that extra level in yourself and push yourself to continue” stated Boyd to his underclassmen.
No. 16 Austin Curtis – Austin has played soccer for 13 years and plans to attend college after High School
Curtis wants the underclassmen to know ” Not to take life too seriously”.
No. 9 Jack Hehr – Jack has played soccer for 13 years including 3 years on the varsity team and plans to attend college majoring in pre-medicine.
“Underclassmen keep your head up even when things are not going your way!” stated Hehr.
No. 14 Hunter Long – Hunter has played soccer for 13 years with 4 years in High School and plans to attend the Ohio Fire Academy or College studying Homeland Security.
To the underclassmen Hunter says “Work hard, stay focused, but most importantly have fun because this time goes by quickly”
No. 5 Gino Repuyan – Gino has played soccer for 13 years including 4 years in High School and he plans to attend college after graduation.
“Live everyday like its your last” stated Repuyan to his younger teammates.
No. 3 Nico Repuyan – Nico has played soccer for 13 years including 4 years in High School and plans to attend college after graduation.
Nico states to the underclassmen ” High School goes by very fast so make the best of it and live in the moment!”
Carson Hennessey – Unfortunately Senior Carson Hennessey was unable to attend the game and the staff and team wish him a speedy recovery! Carson Plans to attend college and study sports management.