Old Mcdonald Offers Farm Chore Experience To Local Families


This year has given Old McDonald time to think outside the box. In addition to preparing the corn, pumpkins and mums for the fall season which opens September 19th, the McDonald Family has been giving local families the opportunity to get up close and personal with farm chores.

Each day, the Jersey calf, “Roscoe” needs bottle fed, the baby bunnies need held, the eggs need gathered, the pygmy goats need their ears rubbed. These are chores that farm kids do on a daily basis.

Now, the McDonald’s are opening their home – or – backyard, rather, for local families to do the same.

You can also see the spring calves in the field with the bull and the mama cows. Check out the feeder beef in the lot. Pet the family cat. It’s really all in a “day’s work.”

Text or call 740-819-5814 to schedule your private time. The cost is “by donation.”

Located on State Route 93, just 2.5 miles north of the Adamsville Exit #157, McDonald’s Greenhouse, Ltd. has been family owned and operated since 1995.

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