Lieutenant Governor and Local Health Professionals Speak About COVID-19 Concerns

The Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted spoke Wednesday morning, November 18 at Genesis Hospital about the current COVID-19 status in the state and in Muskingum County. His main concern is the strain the increase in hospitalizations is putting on the doctors and nurses who are already working around the clock.

“In Ohio, in the last 21 days, we have seen cases go from 1,400 to over 3,600, but the rate of cases is worse here. Matt (Genesis CEO Matt Perry) tells me we’ve seen a triple in the last three weeks,” Husted said at Wednesday’s press conference.

“We need everyone to take personal responsibility. Wear your masks, stay six feet apart, try to stick to your small groups,” reminded Husted.

Those remarks were echoed the following day by the Muskingum County Emergency Management Agency Joint Command for COVID-19 Response in a press release with updated COVID-19 stats and information. “The latest data and guidance from the CDC establishes that wearing a mask not only protects those around you, but the mask also protects the wearer – you! And the Governor has reissued his mask order in an effort to help slow the spread of this infection.”

There were 88 new cases reported the day the release was created (Thursday, Nov. 19), and in total, just this week so far, the Agency has reported 459 cases.

In a safety message which was issued as part of the most recent press release Jack Butterfield, MD stated, “Muskingum County continues to see increasing numbers of cases in many different community settings including long-term care facilities, government offices, local retail and manufacturing businesses, schools and athletes, social clubs, churches, weddings, funerals and cases that are related to various other types of gatherings. The common denominator in all of these settings is the gatherings of people. When people are gathered close together, often without masks, we see this virus spread quickly.”

“In addition, the CDC issued new guidance for Thanksgiving, with a number of recommendations, including it is safest to not travel; and to celebrate in-person only with household members. Due to the massive surge in cases, hospitalizations, and increasing death rates nationwide, the risk of infection and complication is higher than it has ever been,” said Butterfield.

NOTE TO OUR READERS: The Dresden Buzz is known for its positive news stories and during most of this pandemic we have not reported much at all on COVID-19. However, because of the rise in cases and hospitalizations locally, we feel it is our duty to help make our readers aware of the seriousness of this virus as we head into the holiday season. Please be safe and stay healthy! – The Dresden Buzz team

Picture provided by Genesis HealthCare System

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