Local Women Pick Up 176 Bags of Trash


20 local women, ages 58-73 have picked up 176 bags of trash at Dillon State Park since October 5.  The women, all members of the group Forever Young Adventurers, hike, kayak, and play pickleball at Dillon State Park several times a week. 

While hiking over the summer, the women had seen an incredible amount of debris on the shores around the lake.  Dillon is a flood control lake so water is backed up every year. In the spring when the water recedes, trash is left behind.

The group had wanted to give back to the park and now they’d found their project!  In October they put on their gloves, stashed empty trash bags in their backpacks and off they went to beautify the park and beautify it they did!  They didn’t set a goal; they just started collecting the trash.  The first day they collected 19 bags.  Collecting those 19 bags made such a big difference to the woods they just kept collecting trash two or three days a week.  There was no stopping these women!  As of November 18, they’ve collected 176 bags of trash. 

The women are thankful to have this treasure, Dillon State Park, so close to home.

Forever Young Adventurers is open to all women ages 40 and up.  We are a fun group of women who like to hike, bike, kayak, yoga, pickleball, read and discuss just about any topic. We are better than therapy!

If you’d like to join, please go to our facebook group, “Forever Young Adventurers”  and click to join.

If you’re interested in finding out what’s happening at Dillon State Park please visit the facebook groups, “fodsp-Friends of Dillon State Park” as well as “Dillon State Park – Government Organization”.    

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