Dresden Elementary Fifth Grade Student Wins Annual District Spelling Bee

The 2021 Tri-Valley District Spelling Bee champion is Matthew Rice a fifth grade student at Dresden Elementary.

Every year Tri-Valley students in grades four through eight compete for first place in the District Bee. First, students go up against those in their building. Each of the four elementary schools and the middle school crown a winner. Then the winner from each building along with a group of the top spellers move on to compete against students from all Tri-Valley schools in the final competition.

This year there were 39 competitors at the District Spelling Bee. Each of the schools were represented and the competition was tough. The bee lasted 18 rounds, each round eliminating those who misspelled words until only Matthew Rice remained.

Matthew was awarded a trophy and Park National Bank savings account with a monetary donation already deposited.

Pictured above: District Spelling Bee Winner, Matthew Rice with Tri-Valley Middle School Principal, Mr. Hopkins. (submitted)

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