Every day, seven people die in home fires, most often in homes without working smoke alarms. That’s why State Farm agents across Ohio are handing out FREE smoke alarms to help communities prepare for the unexpected in the event of a home fire. This month, 65 agents in Ohio, delivered over 2,800 smoke alarms to their local fire department to help more neighbors. Local State Farm Agents Sarah Wickerham and Beth Moore presented over 40 alarms to the Dresden Fire Department to give out to families in need of a working alarm.
If someone needs a smoke detector, they can contact the fire department at 740-754-1332.
Here are some steps homeowners can take to reduce the chances of house fires:
• Installing a smoke alarm and regularly checking the batteries can go a long ways towards saving lives.
• Caution Should always be taken when lighting candles and operating fireplaces. It is a good idea to never leave an open flame unattended.
• Always keep flammable products in a cool, dark place.
• Never leave the kitchen while cooking.
• Consulting with your local fire department on an appropriate fire extinguisher for your home can help protect your family in the event of a fire.
CAPTION: From left to right: Beth Moore, Good Na Bear, Chief Harold Wolford, Firefighter Phillip Young, Sarah Wickerham