Dresden Family Health Center Had Great Turnout For First Annual Wellness Fair

People came from around the community Saturday, May 1st, to the first annual Dresden Family Health Center’s Wellness Fair.

The Wellness Fair was an idea that originated from a coordination between Primary Care Provider, Anna Purkey, DNP and the Dresden branch of the Muskingum County Library, and was set to take place in May of 2020, but was canceled due to COVID-19 closures. Wanting to still provide the same service to the community, Purkey revisited the project for this year with the change of having it at the Dresden Family Health Center and making it an annual fair.

The goal of the fair was to introduce people in the community to the many different local health care providers that are available to them. Some of the many healthcare providers in attendance were Dr. Thomas Forrestal M.D., Dr. McNeil, Scott Lawler and members of Lawler’s Pharmacy, Rehab Associates, Jackie Sullivan Massage therapy, members of the local health department, Dresden Fire Department, Dresden Police Department, and others.

The event had quite a great turnout, Lawler’s Pharmacy administered 15 COVID-19 vaccinations, 47 free sports physicals were given in coordination with the Dresden Family Health Center and Rehab Associates, as well as many crafts being done on site, there was an obstacle course that kids could try, while the Police and Fire Departments took part in Fire Truck and Cruiser tours.

“I was really happy that the community rallied around both participating in and providing health services” stated Primary Care Provider at Dresden Family Health Center, Anna Purkey, DNP.

Dresden Family Health Center is looking forward to next years event which is also tentatively being planned for the first part of May in 2022.

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