Babysitting Course Offered at Genesis HealthCare System

Genesis Women’s Services is offering a Safe Sitter® babysitting course to help teens and preteens be safe, whether they are babysitting, caring for younger siblings or home alone. There are two classes to choose from: Wednesday, June 2, and Friday, June 4 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Genesis HealthPlex, 2800 Maple Ave., Zanesville. Through hands-on activities, videos, demonstration, role-play and lively discussion, a team of Genesis registered nurses will teach participants about first aid, safety, injury prevention, CPR demonstrations, safe and appropriate toys and games, and finding and interviewing for babysitting jobs. The instructor-led class is filled with fun games and role-playing exercises. Participants will learn about children from newborn to school age. Cost is $50, which includes a pizza lunch, two snacks and a babysitter’s training handbook. To register, go to > Classes & Events; or call (740) 454-4002 or 800 322-4762, ext. 4002.

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