Tri-Valley Head Football Coach Cam West and Tri-Valley Head Basketball Coach Todd McLoughlin decided to work together since many of the kids in the community would want to take both camps and to make it easier on parents trying to plan out their summer, they held the camp as a split session on June 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.
The split session of the camps meant that the 2nd – 5th graders would be participating in the football camp in the morning and the basketball camp in the afternoon. Grades 6 – 8 participated in the basketball camp in the morning and the football camp in the afternoon. Both groups had a 30 minute lunch between sessions. Campers were able to choose if they wanted to participate in both camps or just one.
On the football field, Coach West along with other coaching staff members and members of the Tri-Valley High School football team took turns teaching the kids different drills and plays to give them a basic understanding of the game as well as some of the techniques they would be getting used to if they were to enroll in the Tri-Valley football program.
Each group of 6 – 10 players would meet at a designated station on the field and practice drills with the older players and coaches and then rotate at a given point to the next station so that each camper had an equal opportunity to work with each of the helpers and coaches to gain valuable insight into the future of their football career at Tri-Valley.
Likewise Coach McLoughlin had players assisting him and other coaches as they took the campers through the ropes of being a Tri-Valley basketball player. Groups learned fundamentals of passing, shooting, and overall drills for agility while making their way around Coach Rich Longaberger Court where they hoped to someday be playing in front of the infamous Dawg House fans.