Genesis Healthcare System First In Southeastern Ohio To Offer Custom Breast Prostheses

3D Scanning Technology Creates Better Fit For Breast Surgery Patients

The Cancer Care Center at Genesis HealthCare System is offering patients an improved type of breast prostheses. Breast surgery patients can now have a prosthesis specifically designed for their unique size, shape, color and skin.

“We are happy to offer this new option for better breast prostheses to our patients,” said Shannon Hanley, M.D., breast surgeon at the Genesis Breast Care Center. “This will significantly improve the quality of life for our patients.”

Certified fitters in the Genesis Women’s Boutique guide patients through the process. The custom prosthesis is made using 3D scanning technology with superior accuracy to guarantee a well-fitted form that is comfortable and looks natural. When the custom prosthesis is ready, the fitters make sure the fit is right. They also help patients learn how to wear and care for their prosthesis. Genesis is the only healthcare system in Southeastern Ohio to provide this option to breast cancer surgery patients. Those who have had a mastectomy or breast conservation can take advantage of this new system.

Most insurances cover the cost of custom breast prostheses. For more information, contact the Genesis Women’s Boutique at 740-586-6538.

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