Three Of Tri-Valley’s Finest Are Representing The Dawgs In Muskingum Valley – Licking County All-Star Game

With the year that we have had, it is pretty easy to see why many people are so excited to see the upcoming 39th Annual Muskingum Valley – Licking County All-Star playoff on June 18th, at Heath Ohio’s Swank Field.

As you would imagine, this game will be a clash of the best players throughout the two counties coming together for one last head-to-head battle. The difference is that many of these players have spent their entire high school career clashing with the very players they are now going to be teammates with. This brings its own set of challenges, but also a sense of sportsmanship that shows that it’s all about the game, not about the rivalries.

This year, Tri-Valley will be represented by three of their shining star players who you most likely won’t see apart from each other for some time to come since they just signed letters of intent to play football for Ohio Dominican last month. Caden King, Blake Sands, and Jordan Pantaleo have been looking forward to this moment likely for their entire football career at Tri-Valley. To be chosen as one of the best not only in your school but in your county is a big deal and the pride that goes along with that is something I am sure they will share with their families for generations to come.

Kickoff for the game is set for 7pm with tickets only being sold prior to the game online, with no gate ticket sales.

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