Lady Dawgs Soccer Still In Head To Head Battle With John Glenn For The MVL

On Wednesday, October 6th the Lady Dawgs Soccer team faced off against their MVL number one rivals the Lady Muskies in a game that couldn’t have been more ironic in its ending leaving both teams still tied for first place.

The short drive over the hills to New Concord, Ohio proved to be less fruitful than either team would have liked. Heading into the game, the girls were hoping for a winning outcome to cement their position as the MVL champions of the season but after holding a one-point lead over John Glenn for a better portion of the game, the Lady Muskies were able to squeeze off a shot with just 1:12 left on the clock to tie up the game. Unfortunately, the Scotties were not able to answer back and the rivalry between the two teams remains at a stalemate until future conference games are finished for both teams. The next conference game for the Lady Dawgs will be against Coshocton on October 14th, at Kenny Wolford Park in Dresden.

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