Frazeysburg Lions Club Members Recognized at Convention

The Ohio District 13 OH-7 Lions Convention was held this March 6th Crossroads Ministry Center 2095 W. Fair Ave. Lan-caster, Ohio. Frazeysburg Lions Club had President Jeff Garver, Sec/Treas. Dan Osborn and wife Ruth, Past President Kathy Moran, Membership Chairman Charlotte Jenkins, and Tail twister Earl Paazig.

District OH7 is in 17 Counties with 53 Lion, 2 Lioness and 20 Leo Clubs this year. Serving on the State and District Ohio Lion Eye Research Foundation, and C.O.L.E.B. is Lion Earl Paazig and Lion Dan Osborn is serving on the Inter-national Relations committee and is the District’s Compliance Coordinator.

Frazeysburg Lions Club received the following from Governor Matt Osborne at the business session on Saturday for doing many projects and serving during his year July 2021 – 2022

• Governor’s Contest 2nd Place plaque in the 15 to 24 member size clubs.

• District OH 7 Humanitarian Award medal and Certificate for donations made to 9 or more Local, District and State projects.

• District OH 7 Service Award medal and certificate for the club completing 15 or more of the Local, District or State projects.

• District OH 7 Scrapbook contest received 2nd Place Certificate

• Russ Williams Chapter medal for donations made to The Lions Clubs International Foundation to help people in need all over the world.

• Certificate of Appreciation certificates from Lions Club International Foundation, Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation Inc. for supporting Research into the Causes of Blindness, Ohio Lions Foundation, Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank for supporting the mission of the Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank, Sight and Hearing Supporter Award for Supporting the Ohio Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation and thank you for supporting Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation.

Ohio 13 District OH-7 Hall of Fame Awardees this year were the following: Deceased member Paul Kelley of Rushville Lions Club, Living members PDG Ted Keller Millersport Lions Club and Lion Dan Osborn Frazeysburg Lions Club.

Lion Dan Osborn received an Ohio Lions Council of Governor banner and pins for all the work he does on the Ohio and District Lions levels.

Lion Jeff Garver received District OH-7 certificate and pin for being an excellent President for this Lions year for the club.

Lion Dan Osborn received District OH-7 certificate and pin for being an excellent secretary and treasurer for this Lions year for the club. Received from Lions Clubs International a Membership Satisfaction Award banner patch for a membership gain in 2020-2021.