Two Memorial Quilts are back on the walls of the Dresden Senior Center after being taken down in 2019 so they could be washed.
The quilts were removed before the pandemic in 2019 and have been at the center waiting to be hung. Larry saw them there and offered to hang them up. His grandson, Ashton Bay, helped with the task.
There are two Memorial Quilts in the building. There are over 100 combined quilt squares, each representing members and families that have been part of the Dresden Senior Center over the years. Some of the squares have black ribbons that signify that the person represented in that part of the quilt has passed away.
“We are just happy to have them back on the wall where they belong. I’m thankful that Larry and his grandson were willing to help,” said Carroll Stanojevich, Coordinator for the Dresden Senior Center.

CAPTION: Pictured from left to right are Ashton Bay, Betty Holland, Larry Holland, Elda Prouty, Nita Reed, Carroll Stanojevich, and Rita Cannon in front of one of two Memorial Quilts that were recently rehung at the Dresden Senior Center.