Alice in Wonder Land

by Alice Stratman Smith

On Saturday, October 18th my daughter Jenny and I visited my dear Amish friend Melinda and her family at Baltic in Holmes county near Millersburg, Ohio where I lived from 1963 to 1977. We ate lunch and shopped in Baltic and a store 10 miles from Baltic. Malinda gave us cookies and homemade bread and her daughter gave us a book she wrote, Poetry for the Heart & Soul. ‘About the Author…Miriam Hershberger was born premature, weighing 2 lb. 12 oz. at birth in 1986. She was in the care of doctors and nurses at Akron Children’s Hospital in N.I.C.U. for the first two months of her life. Due to being a preemie and lack of oxygen on the brain at birth, she has the incurable disease of cerebral palsy. Because of this Miriam had three surgeries on her legs to improve her walking ability. At the present time (2009) Miriam has taught four terms of Special Education at different parocial schools.’ The cost for Miriam’s special care at the hospital was enormous. Her parents formed The Rainbow of Hope Foundation where local craftsmen donate furniture; talented mothers and their fine stiches make beautifully patterned quilts; business owners donate merchandise; meals for two at a restaurant; donations of livestock and puppies too are sold to the highest bidder. This event is held every fall with proceeds for children born with special needs. The sign of a rainbow is hope joy and peace. With Miriam’s permission I will quote the last paragraph of Rainbows—A Sign of Promise.

The rainbow’s sign is a promise
Of hope, joy and peace.
Because He will never leave us,
And His love will never cease.

I will treasure this book because it is so inspirational and thankful for longlasting friendships. I plan to attend The Rainbow of Hope Foundation’s auction next year.

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