Service Project Opportunity

The Zanesville FamilySearch Center (3300 Kearns Drive, Zanesville) is hosting a “Help Find A Family” service project scheduled for Saturday, May 27th (Memorial Day Weekend) from 9am-3pm (2 hour shifts) at Woodlawn Cemetery, Zanesville.

This will be a service project that can include all members of the community (young, old, ambulatory, not-so-ambulatory, computer-savvy, not-so-computer-savvy, etc.). The service project is open all the communities surrounding Zanesville.

Assist in completing the documentation of Woodlawn Cemetery for genealogy researchers using technology.

Activities include cleaning of grave markers (primary age children on up) and taking photographs of the grave markers using the BillionGraves app (iPhones or Android only). The photos would then be uploaded to for transcription, transcribing the names and dates, and other grave marker information on, connecting the individuals and families to through website.

If interested in participating in this Service Project, please contact Dan Bravard, Zanesville FamilySearch Center (formerly called Family History Center) by email or phone 614.361.5895.

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