by Dan Osborn
Zone Chairman Jeff Garver held the Lions Zone 3 meeting on February 26th at Frazeysburg Presbyterian Church. The Zone 3 clubs present were Duncan Falls-Philo, Frazeysburg, West Muskingum, and Zanesville Host. Many district officers from the OH -7 were present also. President Diana Wolford read the Frazeysburg Club activities and donations the club has done since November meeting.
Frazeysburg received certificates for donation and support:
Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation, Inc. for supporting research into the cause of blindness.
Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation and Lions Club International Foundation.
Two club members received Chevron awards for their many years of service to their community and beyond the club area. Dan Osborn 50 years and Cyndi Pazaag 15 years.
Lions are on a mission to grow to reach 1.5 million members and club members Becky Vansickle and Diana Wolford during this time had sponsored Andrea Janssen and Christine Croyl and were recognized with pins and certificates.
Lion Dan Osborn received a Certificate of Appreciation and a pin for his donation to Lions Club International Foundation.
March 1st and 2nd Lions of District OH-7 held their annual convention at Marietta, Ohio.
Friday night, Lions of the District worked about 3 hours on the OH 7 District Hunger Project. The lions worked filling 12,000 lbs. of food into 700 bags to be distributed within the district. Frazeysburg had 5 workers and brought back 50 bags for the local AIM panties in Frazeysburg and Dresden and 24 bags for the Ronald McDonald House in Columbus for families staying there with their children in the hospital.
Saturday was filled with speakers and awards presented by Governor Sara Camacho for contests held during the 2023-2024-year for the clubs to participate in by doing many projects and funding of projects during the year. Frazeysburg received 2nd Place in the 15 to 24 club member group. They also received the Humanitarian Award for funding service and research, and the Service Award for dedication to others.
Certificates and pins for Excellent President to Diane Wolford, and Excellent Secretary and Treasurer to Dan Osborn. Lion Dan Osborn received from The International President Dr. Patti Hill a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition for Distinguished Achievements in Fulfilling the Missions of Lions International.
Frazeysburg received certificates of appreciation for supporting these Lions projects this Lions year: Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation, Central Ohio Lions Eye Bank, Ohio Lions Foundation, Ohio Pilot Dogs, Inc.
Lion Earl Paazig was elected for a 3-year term on the Ohio Lions Eye Research Foundation.