It is evident that giving back to the community is extremely important to Dresden & Company (D&Co.). The locally owned Direct Sales business has been involved in improving the Dresden community on a number of levels including helping to build a tourism base. They also focus on working with different charities and non-profits by designing, weaving, and selling special baskets available only for a limited time and then donating a portion of the proceeds. In the past D&Co. worked with Alex’s Lemonade Stand and the Children of Fallen Patriots foundations. For the month of April, the company has teamed up with The Friends of the Dresden Parks.
“Friends of the Dresden Parks provide such an important service,” stated D&Co. Creative Director Michael Kennedy – “Why not support them!”
The Small Woven Leaf Basket which is part of the D&Co. April Collection is available through the end of the month. Ten dollars from the sale of every Small Woven Leaf Basket will be donated to The Friends of the Dresden Parks to be used towards the upkeep of the parks and future improvement projects.
“It is a great way to help with the organization,” said President Ted Crozier – “The goal is to dress up parks in Dresden.”
The Friends of the Dresden Parks is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving and maintaining the parks within the village. They also host the Dresden Melon Festival held annually on the first Saturday in August. The event is the only fundraiser held by the organization, everything made goes right back into the parks. The picnic shelter at the Dresden River Park was one of the group’s more recent undertakings. They also plan to install a shelter at the 6th Street Park off of Main Street when the funding is available to do so.
The organization meets the first Monday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Bonnie Longaberger Senior Center. They are looking for new members and helping hands.
The Small Woven Leaf Basket can be purchased through any D&Co. Proprietor or through

It was also recently announced that The 2024 Dresden Basket, inspired by the World’s Largest Basket is available to purchase exclusively through eight Dresden businesses including Dresden & Company Welcome Center, Sage Redesign, Humble Heart, Patio Shops, Dresden’s Baskets & More, The Warehouse Restaurant, Smore Baskets and Smore Christmas. Five dollars from every basket sold will go toward the maintenance of the World’s Largest Basket, located adjacent to the D&Co. Welcome Center and just about a block from where D&Co. baskets are woven.
To see the rest of the April Collection and to keep up with all things D&Co. visit
Follow the Friends of the Dresden Parks via Facebook.