Dorothy Montgomery to be honored for 70 years as a Muskingum County 4-H volunteer

The local 4-H committee is honoring Dorothy Montgomery for her 70 years as a volunteer for Muskingum County 4-H.

Dorothy Montgomery joined 4-H when she was ten years old after finding her brother’s crate labeled “Megs Lop Earred Pig Club” in their family’s barn. She continued from there into her teens where she was a member of the Muskingum County Junior Leadership Club until heading off to Muskingum University where she received her degree in education. She attended a 4-H camp where she met her husband John who was a lifeguard. They married in 1953 and left when John joined the Air Force. They returned to the area in 1954/1955. The county agent for 4-H at the time was Charles Knotts. Charles asked both of them to become advisors for the Muskingum County Junior Leadership Club. 70 years later, and Dorothy is still an advisor.

“Lots of people before me set a lot of good examples,” said Dorothy. One of those people was 4-H founder A. B. Graham, a school teacher in Clark County Ohio who founded the organization in 1902. Dorothy remembers meeting Mr. Graham in her early days with 4-H. “I had the privilege of knowing him, said Dorothy, I remember how tall he was … he was a lovely person.” In the last 122 years, 4-H has grown to be America’s largest youth development organization with nearly six million kids and teens impacted.

In celebration of Dorothy’s 70 years as a volunteer for Muskingum County 4-H, the local 4-H committee asked individuals affected by her involvement in 4-H to submit stories of Dorothy’s impact on their lives or a favorite 4H memory through handwritten notes and photos. Submissions are being put in a scrapbook and will be presented to Dorothy on Sunday during the Muskingum County Fair at the 4-H awards ceremony.

“I’ve met so many people and have had the privilege of working with so many delightful young people and their parents,” said Dorothy, “It has just been fantastic!”

Also, in her honor, the committee is hosting a fundraising effort. A $70 for 70 Years campaign will benefit the Muskingum County 4-H Endowment Fund. Donations can be made in any denomination. The committee will be announcing the contribution to the endowment fund during the fair. Contributions can be made to the Muskingum County 4-H Endowment Fund at The Ohio State University Foundation, P.O. Box 710811, Columbus, Ohio 43271 or give online at Indicate fund #605084, in honor of Dorothy Montgomery, with your donation.  

“Dorothy’s impact is multi-generational – countless 4-H youth, volunteers and family members have experienced her unique brand of encouragement and support. Under her leadership, 4-H Junior Leadership Club in Muskingum County has not only thrived, but developed successful community leaders,” stated Jamie McConnell of the Ohio State University Extension office.

For questions contact Jamie McConnell, 740-454-0144,

This article originally ran in the May 31 issue of the Dresden Buzz and has been updated to be published online.