Maysville girls win first postseason game after losing three conference matchups

Vs East Liverpool (2/13)

Maysville hosted the East Liverpool Potters for their first postseason game. After losing the last three games and struggling through a limited roster the Lady Panthers brought their A – game with a 54 – 48 win over the Lady Potters they moved on to face Morgan in the District Semi-Final game.

Vs West Muskingum (2/10)

The West Muskingum Lady Tornadoes headed over to Maysville for Monday’s conference game. From the starting whistle, the Tornadoes took control of the ball, breaking out a 13 – 5 lead in the first quarter. Maysville kept rolling forward in the second period as they built their advantage up to 23 – 13 before the halftime break.

When the break concluded the Lady Panthers launched forward putting up another 12 points in the third quarter to increase their score to 35 – 20 heading into the final frame. With just minutes remaining the Tornadoes defense held Maysville to just eight points as they finished the game with a 50 – 28 victory.

Vs John Glenn (2/8) 

In New Concord on Saturday, the Lady Panthers were hoping to gain a win against the Lil’ Muskies.  John Glenn took control of the game in the first quarter pushing out a 10 – 4 lead before the second quarter.  Just before halftime, the Muskies continued to overextend the Panthers defenses and led by 25 – 14 before the break.

After the halftime pep-talk, the Maysville girls were back in the game, putting up shots and blocking their opponents closing the gap down to just five points in the third quarter with John Glenn still leading 37 – 32.  Although they kept fighting, so did the Lil’ Muskies and the last minutes of the game led to John Glenn holding their five-point advantage and winning the game 54 – 49.

Vs Philo (2/05)

Maysville High School hosted the Lady Electrics from Duncan Falls on Wednesday.  The game started out pretty close with the Electrics pulling ahead slightly to take a 14 – 10 lead by the end of the first quarter.  In the second quarter, the Philo girls cranked up the offense and defense building a 28 – 16 deficit for the Maysville girls to have to ponder during halftime.

In the beginning of the second half, the Maysville girls began to close the gap narrowing the lead to 8 points with Philo ahead 35 – 27. As the final seconds closed in the Lady Panthers continued to rally forward almost taking the game but the Electrics held onto the lead by one shot taking the game 42 – 40.

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