Page 9 - Dresden Buzz 11-15-24
P. 9
Holiday Guide
Bishop Fenwick presents ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’
by Lynette Dotson
Lynette Dotson
Bishop Fenwick School is showing “It takes a lot of leadership skills that ver Newman, and Brydon Soller. been dancing and singing, and it will just
their version of “A Charlie Brown Christ- we learn here,” said student co-director Making up the cast is Eli Patterson as be a great show, I am so proud of all of
mas” on November 14, 15, and 16 at Chris Wilson. “We have a mentor group Charlie Brown, Luke Daniels as Snoopy, them, they are so good!”
7:00 p.m. at Breitfeller Auditorium in right before lunch every day and it is Ellesyn Gibson as Lucy, Wyatt Vaughn “If you want a good laugh, it is an easy
Rosecrans High School (1040 E Main St, just sitting down with people and talk- as Linus, Chase Kubasak as Pig Pen, place to go, a lot of the kids are very hu-
Zanesville). ing to them about what is going on in Noelle Childs as Frieda, Michael Rob- morous,” added Wilson.
The production is based on the classic their lives, so for a lot of the kids they inson as Schroeder, Lael Swingle as Tickets for “A Charlie Brown Christ-
television special by Charles M. Schulz have different backgrounds and differ- Violet, Peyton Hartman as Sally, Tylynn mas” can be purchased for the Friday
featuring his beloved Peanuts charac- ent lives going on so it takes a lot to try Bowers as Patty, and Oliver Walker as and Saturday shows by going to brdc.
ters portrayed by a talented Bishop Fen- to figure out well this is what is going on Shermy. There are also 25 members Tickets
wick cast. in their life and maybe if they are having of the ensemble including Alex Aber- are $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and
The play is directed by Sean Jewell and a bad day, just talking to them so it has nethy, Adrianna Adair, Emma Back, So- military, and $7 for students (an addi-
two Rosecrans seniors Chris Wilson and been very eye-opening just seeing what phia Badertscher, Maci Burns, Sophie tional small processing fee may apply).
Leeann Robinson under the guidance of they need and then putting a smile on Dosch, Allie Doss, Kaisyn Gibson, Kiesyn
Jillian Lepi who is also the producer. and putting them on stage and try to Gibson, Madelyn Golden,
“We started this summer doing a make a good production. Mariah Hammersley, Tyler
camp where we did 101 Dalmations “We are both in Drama club and we Harney, Hudson Hinkle, Da-
and then our advisor Jillian Lepi asked are on stage for all of the high school mian Huey, Sydney Larson,
us if we would help with Charlie Brown plays so we decided to switch our roles Mason Moyer, Cory New-
Christmas,” stated Leeann Robinson. this time and it has been big shoes to man, Molly Palandrani, Flo
“She normally has an idea of which play fill because normally Jillian is the one Patterson, Kelsey Porter,
she is going to do in advance and she to do it. It has been exciting and chal- Candace Shipp, Adrain Sin-
asked us if we would be ok with helping lenging but it has been fun,” Robinson gleton, Zoey Willey, Samuel
this year.” explained. Winegar, and Caylie Wright.
Also part of the crew is Ashley Pat- Several students are also lending a “These kids have all
terson and Teha Back (props and cos- hand as crew members including Lu- been working their butts
tumes), Levi Masters and Jillian Lepi cas Moyer (curtain), Elizabeth Hustey off,” Robinson said. “We
(music direction), Tim and Deb Swingle (lights), Case Maxwell (sound), and eight are so proud of all of them,
as well as Lisa Wilson (set design), Chris backstage crew members; Alissa Ahn, they’ve spent almost two
Dowell and Roger Ward (sound), and Naveah Church, Camden Lenox, Lyric months putting so much
Megan Lenox (choreography). Martin, Cami Mattingly, Elijah Meier, Oli- hard work into this, they’ve Lynette Dotson