Page 4 - Dresden Buzz 11-15-24
P. 4
PAGE 4 | LOCAL NEWS NOVEMBER 15 - 28, 2024
Litten Home Hardware holds Grand Opening Tri-Valley FFA
attend 97th
by Lynette Dotson
National FFA
by Katherine Stafford
Tri-Valley FFA attended the 97th Na-
tional FFA Convention. Members trav-
eled to Sutphens’ Fire Engines, Freshwa-
ter Farms, Traders Point Creamery, and
toured Lincoln Tech Campus. Tri-Valley
FFA also attended the many sessions
that were held. 4 members received
their American Degree, the highest and
most honorable degree you can achieve.
The requirements are as follows, be an
active member of FFA for at least three
years. Complete at least three years of
secondary school agricultural educa-
tion instruction, have an outstanding
supervised agricultural experience (SAE)
program, earn at least $10,000 and
Allison Prouty, Jody Litten, Diane Litten, Ally Stephens, and Bruce Parrish of Litten Home Hardware. Lynette Dotson productively invest it, maintain a “C”
grade average or better, have a record
A new hardware store, Litten Home including Bruce Parrish who brings a lot another thirty minutes to get what you of outstanding leadership skills, have
Hardware, is now open for business. It of experience from working in the hard- need, parking so far away from the store a record of participating in community
is located just across the western Musk- ware store business. and walking in -Gratiot is so close, now service activities, received the Green-
ingum County line at 12335 W. Pike, “This concept was about three years in you are driving five minutes getting your hand, Chapter, and State degrees and,
Gratiot, making it a convenient choice the making I have so much of my own thing and back to your job quicker.” Graduate from high school at least 12
for West Muskingum residents. stock for plumbing, electrical, and basic The selection at Litten Home Hard- months prior to the national convention.
Owner, Jody Litten, is a fourth- ware is excellent with tools, Recipients were, Logan Mozena, Mason
generation contractor who saw plumbing, electrical, mailboxes, Prouty, Leah Schuhart and, Nick Mealey.
a need for a hardware store in safety glasses and gloves, rope, Pictured are Leah Schuhart and Logan
the area. replacement bits and blades, Mozena along witht he rest of the mem-
“It goes all the way back to paint supplies, glue, sandpaper, bers from the trip and advisor Mr. Lane
my great-grandfather Carlos extension cords, and a wide vari- Heil.
Litten, Tom, Jay’s my Dad, and ety of hardware and other offer-
then there’s me, and so pretty ings.
much contracting has been in “We are definitely going to ex- Smitty’s
my blood,” said Litten. “Being a pand, this is our initial offering,
but as folks come in and say I am
contractor you are always in the looking for a particular item, we Barbershop
hardware store or box store or
something like that, you’ve got are definitely going to be taking
folks a lot of times coming up note of that and try to accommo- continues
because I am in my uniform for date their needs,” stated Litten.
contracting and someone will When you stop by Litten Home Thanksgiving
come in and there may not be anyone hardware stuff and my wife and I got Hardware you’ll notice a large collection
there to help you sometimes you run to talking about it, and since we are so of vintage tools that decorates many of Tradition
into that, and other times it’s someone far out here it would be really nice for the areas above the displays of hard-
who is wanting to do something or fix us to be able to have folks that if they ware, supplies, and tools for sale.
something and they will say ‘Hey you’re are looking for something they could be “We want to honor those who came Smitty’s Barbershop in Frazeysburg is
a contractor, how do you do this?’, I don’t able to just come in here and get it. We before us but then provide a unique op- once again going to be passing out warm
even work there, but it’s one of those already did air filters and some small portunity for the community that is lo- meals on Thanksgiving morning. Anyone
things that’s just fun to do is say ‘Well, things but to be able to offer a larger cal,” explained Litten. in need of a meal may call or text 740-
here is what you are going to need, and variety of things, that is how it all came Litten Home Hardware can be reached 294-0022 or 740-624-6440 to place a
don’t forget this because that’s the one together,” explained Litten. by calling (740) 787-5047. For more reservation, The meal includes turkey,
item you are going to make four or five “We have a big plumbing, and big information visit their website at litten- mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans,
trips back for’. It’s just enjoyable to be electrical section, of course, hardware and follow them on stuffing, pumpkin pie, a roll and a drink.
able to help folks be able to fix whatever and a lot of nuts, bolts, specialty screws, Facebook. Hours of operation are Mon- Meals can be picked up at Smitty’s Bar-
they are doing around the house.” and construction screws,” Litten said. day through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. bershop (22 E. 3rd St., Frazeysburg) on
Litten is still operating his contracting “If you’re working on the barn, working and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thanksgiving from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
business, Home Experts Heating Air and on the farm, whatever it may be, you Local delivery available upon request.
Plumbing, as well. It is a big undertaking run out of a box of screws, rather than
but he has help from his six employees drive thirty minutes and then waiting