Page 6 - Dresden Buzz 07-12-24
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PAGE 6 | LOCAL NEWS JULY 12 - 25, 2024
Explore other options in Muskingum Zane State Grillin’ on the Patio Made
County by Visit Zanesville-Muskingum County Steak The Star of the Show by Matthew Dotson
Lorena Sternwheeler Lynette Dotson (file photo)
Looking for fun things to see and do site was the birthplace of the Ohio Anti-
while in the area – hope this is helpful Slavery Society. Originally built to serve
with your planning and sparks some fun as Ohio’s statehouse, it is the oldest
ideas. public building still standing in the state.
View a collection of over 300 bronze The museum features exhibits of local
sculptures and learn about the sculpture pottery and glass, furniture, a Y Bridge
process from start to finish at the Alan display, and a 1913 Flood exhibit. Locat-
Cottrill Sculpture Studio & Gallery. ed in the Putnam Historic District at 115
Located at 110 S. Sixth Street in down- Jefferson Street, Zanesville. 740-454-
town Zanesville. Open Monday-Saturday, 9500 Pictured from left to right: Kyle, Chef Keith, Alisha, and Keith Jr. of Scott’s Diner in New Concord, and
9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free on-street parking Experience the history of early Chef Marco Adornetto of Zane State College. Matthew Dotson
available. 740-453-9822 transportation at the National Road
Plan a breathtaking visit to The and Zane Grey Museum. The mu- Zane State College held a “Grillin on on the open grill, and the Shrimp skew-
Wilds. Discover one of the largest and seum also features exhibits on author the Patio” event on Monday, July 8th, on ers were brought out to be placed on the
most innovative conservation centers in Zanesville Grey, “Father of the American the patio just outside of the College Hall. second grill. The Shrimp skewers were
the world. Grab your camera and board Western,” as well as a beautiful collec- There were blue skies and lots of sun- seasoned with a little lemon juice, and
the open-air safari vehicles for an exhila- tion of Zanesville Art Pottery. Tours are shine for everyone in attendance. With other seasonings before hitting the grill.
rating adventure through open-range self-guided. Located at 8850 East Pike, the grills fired up and ready, once all of Once on the grill the skewers only took a
landscape. Advanced reservations Norwich. the guests arrived Chef Marco Adornetto few minutes to cook.
are required. Book your tour at www. Explore the Zanesville Museum assisted by his former student, Keith or by calling 740.638-5030. of Art and participate in various activi- Scott who owns and operates Scott’s
Discover the beauty of Mission ties they offer. This museum displays Diner in New Concord, Ohio along with
Oaks Garden, a continually evolving fine American and European paintings, his wife and children, gave everyone
intercity woodland garden in an older sculpture, historic and studio glass, a brief tour of the Kitchen facilities at
residential section of Zanesville. The Asian arts plus temporary exhibits. Lo- Zane State.
majestic mature white oak trees provide cated at 620 Military Road, Zanesville. While everyone was gathered in the
the genesis for the woodland garden. 740-452-0741 kitchen Chef Marco explained how the
The large perennial garden and a conifer Learn about American history different items that they would be grill- Chef Marco explained the impor-
garden are included on approximately 5 through the lives of John and Annie ing were prepared and seasoned before tance of keeping things simple, “I tell
acres. The entrance to the garden is at Glenn while being treated to a creatively going on the grill. For the event, they my students all of the time when grilling,
424 Hunter Avenue, Zanesville. presented “living history” tour complete were planning to grill New York Strip keep it simple, you would be surprised
Cruise along the Muskingum River with actors in costume. This unique op- Steaks, Ribeye for sandwiches, shrimp how far you can go with just some sim-
aboard the Lorena Sternwheeler. portunity is available at the John and skewers, vegetable skewers, and full ple seasonings and cooking things prop-
Located at Zane’s Landing Park at the Annie Glenn Museum, astronaut, and racks of ribs. Chef Marco prepared erly”.
west end of Market Street in downtown Senator John Glenn’s boyhood home. grilled chicken wraps for everyone as a After the shrimp and vegetables, it
Zanesville. Offering hour-long public Located at 72 W. Main Street, New Con- snack while they were waiting for the was time for the Ribeye steaks that were
rides on select days. Schedule available cord. other foods to cook. cut thin and placed on the grill for use on
in the Visitors Guide or on www.Visit- “We welcome you to Muskingum Back out on the patio, Keith Scott steak sandwiches. The Steak sandwich- 740-455-8282 County any time of the year,” Kelly Ashby, loaded racks of ribs onto one grill as es were put together on freshly grilled
Drive over the world-famous Y VP of the Zanesville-Muskingum County Chef Marco placed the Strip Steaks on sandwich buns with lettuce and tomato
Bridge that spans the confluence of Chamber of Commerce and Convention the other. “There is only one tempera- and cut in half to serve.
the Licking and Muskingum Rivers. First and Visitors Bureau stated. “There are ture to grill at, and that is high” stated After lunch, each guest got a bottle
built in 1814, the current bridge is the fabulous attractions, fun events, warm Chef Marco, “I don’t cook on the grill at of Scott’s Diner House Dressing as well
fifth structure at this site. Ripley’s Be- hospitality, excellent accommodations any other temperature”. After a few min- as Maria Adornetto’s Seasoning which
lieve it or Not featured the Y Bridge as and great things to explore.” utes on each side, the ribs were ready were both used in the foods prepared for
“the only bridge in the world which you For a complete list of things to see to be coated with Scott’s Diner House the day.
can cross and still be on the same side and do check out the website www.visit- Dressing, before Chef Marco cut the ribs The variety of flavors and the sim-
of the river.”, make a stop at the Wel- into sections to be served to the guests. plicity of preparation for each dish made
Tour the Stone Academy Historic come Center in downtown Zanesville “My grandparents owned Lee’s it clear that grilling doesn’t have to take
Site & Museum. This National Under- at 205 North Fifth Street or follow Visit Kitchen in Cambridge and I worked with hours and less is truly more when it
ground Railroad Network to Freedom Zanesville on Facebook. my grandfather to come up with our comes to the things you need to make
House Dressing and we took it to mar- a great steak meal on the grill. Thanks
ket, fortunately, my grandfather got to to Chef Marco Adornetto and Keith Scott
CELEBRATING Celebration! see it go to market before he passed. and his family for making such a great
Chef Marco was actually my inspira-
afternoon of tips and tricks for a great
tion for coming up with my own season-
grilling experience.
ing that I use in my Diner today” stated
10-Noon and 3-5 on
Arts Alumni.
Saturday, July 13 Keith Scott a 2008 Zane State Culinary
After the ribs were served, it was
time to move on to the steaks that Chef
Get back issues from the past Marco checked with a meat thermom-
year, meet the staff and enjoy eter along with tapping on each steak
light refreshments. to test how springy they were which he
stated was a good way to tell if the steak
was ready. Each steak was prepared
Music By Katelyn Dotson usic By Katelyn Dotson with a little bit of Kosher salt and some
10 AM, 11 AM, & 3 PM other seasonings before being placed
(each set will be about 20-30 minutes) on the grill for approximately 5 minutes
per side (depending on the steak). After
removing the steaks from the grill Chef
Marco proceeded to cut them into quar-
ters to be served.
While the steaks were being pre-
pared, vegetable skewers were placed Chef Keith Scott and Chef Marco Adornetto work
together to prepare ribs. Matthew Dotson