Page 8 - Dresden Buzz 07-12-24
P. 8
continued from page 1 Three county
Elk’s Eye Art Market visitor bureaus
join forces to
establish Wild
About Wine Trail
by Lynette Dotson
The Zanesville-Muskingum County,
Coshocton County, and Cambridge-
Guernsey County visitor bureaus have
teamed up to bring an amazing new
wine trail to life. The Wild About Wine
Trail was introduced in June and brings
the tastes of Southeast Ohio together for
one unforgettable and wild journey!
There are a total of fourteen stops
on the trail which is made up of ten
wineries and four breweries. Those par-
ticipating include Stone Crest Vineyard,
Y Bridge Brewing Company, Headley
Inn Winery and Brewery, White Eyes
Creek Winery, and Weasel Boy Brewing
all from Muskingum County as well as
Killing Tree Winery, Baltic Mill Winery,
Wooly Pig Farm Brewery, Yellow Butter-
fly Winery, Raven’s Glenn Winery, YOLO
Carol Bridwell holds one of her wooden wall art creations. She also hand weaves rugs that are available for purchase in the Elk’s Eye Art Market. Winery, and Rainbow Hills Winery, Brew-
Matthew Dotson ery and Pizzeria from Coshocton County,
and from Guernsey County you will find
different people here with such great come during the week and find things Dolen. To enter stop by the market, col- Guernsey Brewhouse and Georgetown
work and working with them has been to purchase is growing, I am hearing a lect a “Wish List Drawing” form from the Vineyard.
wonderful, and then people coming in to lot more people saying ‘I can Christmas cashier, complete the form and return “We invite our guests to sip their
see the art and getting a chance to learn shop here, I can birthday shop here’ and it to the cashier by 4 p.m. July 31 to be way through Southeast Ohio and enjoy
more about it, and about what’s avail- people are starting to see there is an op- entered into the drawing. The winner will all the stops, shops, and attractions
able, all of those things are just amaz- tion that they hadn’t considered before be drawn on July 31 at 4:30 p.m. and along the way.” Kelly Ashby, Director of
ingly uplifting to me,” explained Carol. and that is part of what we are trying to will be notified (winners do not need to the Zanesville-Muskingum County Con-
“Many people who visit the building do is to make art accessible to people be present at the time of the drawing). vention and Visitors Bureau stated.
love not just the architecture, but also all the time and give artists someplace Elk’s Eye Art Market is open free of There are plenty of things to do and
the history of the building- so many peo- to show their work all the time.” charge to the public Monday, Wednes- see along the way including Coshocton’s
ple are excited we were able to preserve To celebrate their one-year anniver- day, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. Historic Roscoe Village, Zanesville’s The
some part of that here.” said Stephanie sary, Elk’s Eye Market is holding a draw- until 6 p.m. year round. They extend Wilds, and Guernsey’s National Museum
Bridwell, Partner in Elk’s Eye Endeavors, ing that will runs through July 31 and will their hours until 8 p.m. for the First Fri- of Cambridge Glass just to name a few.
LLC. offer the chance to win one of six pieces day Art Walks held monthly. You can A guide was developed to help Wild
Elks Eye Art Market is a juried art of art, which were created by Mark Ham- find Elk’s Eye Art Market on Facebook at About Wine Trail participants navigate
retail market featuring a wide spectrum bel, Jason Hammond, Todd Dunlap, Dick their way along the trail and around each
of work from Southeastern Ohio artists. McBride, Priscilla Bridwell or Theresa county to get the most out of their expe-
Some of the various things you can find rience. You can view the guide by visit-
while browsing the market include hand ing
woven rugs, jewelry, live edge furniture, Wine-Trail-Guide or get a physical copy
turned and carved wood items, hand at the Welcome Center located at 205
painted duck decoys, handmade knives, North 5th Street in Zanesville and at ev-
metal sculptures from repurposed items, ery participating winery and brewery.
stained glass, ceramic items, photogra- “Travel the Wild About Wine Trail
phy, bottle cap art, paintings, and more. through all three counties – Muskingum,
You will not find two artists in the market Coshocton, and Guernsey,” Ashby said.
that are similar, everyone brings some- “There are unique accommodations in-
thing unique to the market making each cluding cabins, yurts, a state lodge, as
artist stand out on their own. Artists are well as lovely hotels.”
also recognized with photos and a short Information about accommoda-
biography placed near their displayed tions for each county can be found on
works. their visitor bureau websites visitzanes-
“It’s art so you are not buying it,, and visit
every week like you do groceries, we
do end up getting a return and we are “From a wooly pig to a weasel to a
building that audience. It is a little slow yellow butterfly come and enjoy the fun
to do that when you are doing some- names, the great tastes, and the warm
thing that’s very different,” stated Carol. hospitality of the region,” Ashby added.
“There are not very many businesses “The wineries in our region invite you to
downtown doing what we are doing and “Come Wine with Us!”
not very many that are open the hours The three-story building that now houses the Elk’s Eye Art Market was originally built in 1913 and was
that we are so educating people that occupied by the Elks Lodge until about 2011. The building had fallen into disarray but was renovated READ & SHARE THE BUZZ ONLINE IN FULL
there is actually someplace you can and brought back to life as one of the pinnacles in downtown Zanesville’s art district. COLOR - WWW.DRESDENBUZZ.COM
Matthew Dotson
Zanesville BPW Hosts “Wild West Murder Mystery Dinner” submitted
The Zanesville Business and Profes- Endowment Scholarship. The Elliott Educational Endowment dent of Zanesville BPW. “Not only will it
sional Women (BPW) are excited to an- The evening will transport attend- Scholarship, managed by the Musking- be a night full of mystery and fun, but it
nounce a thrilling evening of mystery, ees to the Wild West, where they will um County Community Foundation, sup- will also help support our local students
fun, and philanthropy with the “Wild be part of an engaging and interactive ports local students in pursuing higher in achieving their educational goals.”
West Murder Mystery Dinner.” This cap- murder mystery experience. Guests will education. This scholarship honors the Tickets are available at
tivating event will take place at Veterans enjoy a delicious dinner while working legacy of Elliott and has made a signifi-
of Foreign Wars, 1318 Putnam Avenue, together to solve the crime and uncover cant impact on the lives of many stu- For more information contact Jenni-
Zanesvill on Saturday, July 13, 2024, the culprit. The event promises an unfor- dents in the Zanesville community. fer Reiter by calling 740-518-5515.
from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM EDT and aims gettable night of entertainment and ex- “We are thrilled to bring this unique
to raise funds for the Elliott Educational citement, all in support of a great cause. event to our community,” said the Presi-