Page 14 - Dresden Buzz 08-09-24
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PAGE 14 | ANNOUNCEMENTS/LOCAL NEWS                                                                                           AUGUST 9 - 22, 2024
        Alice in                             Library engages with community to raise

        wonder land                          funds for Library remodel                                         by Lynette Dotson

        By Alice Stratman Smith                  After 33 years since the last major  creativity  and  exploration.  This maker-  the end of 2024. There are also options
            After church on  Sunday, July  28th   remodel,  The  John  McIntire  Library is  space will allow us to offer a wide variety  to make a pledge spread over months
        Jenn  Allen  and  I  went to  the Historic   ready for a new look and much-needed  of STEM programming from no-tech op-  or years. This will allow us to focus com-
        Prospect Place in Trinway.  We toured the   technology  and space  improvements  tions such as arts and crafts to high tech  pletely on the remodel and making sure
        Mansion  and  ate lunch with Mark and   that will  inspire a  new generation  to  options with a variety of technologies to  we are still able to provide excellent li-
        Missy Holbrook.  Mark was the speaker   read, learn, create, and engage.  suit the needs of our patrons well into  brary services, even with the main por-
        at noon (we missed that) giving informa-     Through conversations  over the  the future,” Russell elaborated.  tion of the John McIntire Library in con-
        tion regarding Ohio in the Civil War.  How   past  few  years,  the administration  for     A fundraising  campaign  has been  struction.”
        blessed  I  was  to  be  with  two  authors.   the  John McIntire Library knew it was  launched to raise $500,000 for the John     It is important to note that during
        Mark wrote History is Personal, The Ha-  time to start planning some significant  McIntire Library Remodel.  The library’s  the construction period the Library will
        ven  and  Buckeye Vanguard.   I  bought   changes.                       operating levy covers daily expenses but  remain open in part.
        The Haven, started reading it when I got      “The  early  conversations  we had  the  campaign  funds  will  be dedicated     “The library will not be closing entire-
        home and loved it! I am looking forward   throughout the community were critical  specifically  to  the  renovations  being  ly. We are excited to announce that we
        to the ‘to be continued’ published soon.    to our  moving  forward  with  a remodel  done.  Donations  can  be as little or as  will be opening the “Mini-Mac” location
        Jenn writes fantasy and science fiction,   of the John McIntire Library,” explained  much as a donor can give.  on the first floor of the Carnegie Wing of
        so I am looking forward to her 6th book   MCLS Executive Director Stacey Russell.     “Our  Community  Campaign  is for  the  John  McIntire  Library. For  those  of
        in the Solar Hearts series.          “These conversations were had after CO-  everyone,  and  every penny counts.  We  you who visited the John McIntire Library
            On Saturday, August 3rd,I attended   VID,  and  the  world  had  changed a lot.  have created opportunities for all mem-  before 1991, you may remember this as
        the Melon Festival at the Dresden River   They  allowed  us  to  better  understand  bers of our community to be a part of  the Junior Library. We also have an addi-
        Park.  I watched  the Melon  Derby,  put   the needs and wants of our community.  supporting the John McIntire Library Re-  tional five locations and will be out and
        my bid on 5 items and enjoyed a slice of   We were able to create a strategic plan  model. This is why we have set our do-  about in the community.”
        Miller’s watermelon.                 for the library based on feedback from  nation level to start at one penny. After     MCLS branches are located in Dres-
            The Buzz reported the last concert   directly speaking to and asking for feed-  all, the library is open to all and we want  den, New Concord, Duncan Falls/Philo,
        of the Zanesville Memorial Concert Band   back from our community. Part of this  our fundraising to mirror that ideal,” said  South Zanesville, and Roseville.
        that I  attended  on  Sunday,  July  28th.    highlighted that our buildings are an im-  Russell.                 To learn more about the remodeling
        Several songs featured dancers from   portant part of how we serve our com-     “We do  not have a  set deadline  project which is estimated to begin this
        Movement on Main Center for Dance.  It   munity.  This allowed  us  to  ensure  we  for  accepting  donations,  stated Rus-  fall please visit
        was the best concert of the season and I   were heading in the right direction with  sell.  “However,  our  goal  is  to  raise  the
        look forward to next year’s concerts.  a large remodel of the John McIntire Li-  $500,000 community campaign goal by
            My  daughter Jenny and  husband   brary. Without the meaningful conversa-
        Bill  took me  to dinner  on  Sunday, Au-  tions and meetings we had throughout   Donor Wall Giving Levels
        gust 4th.  We needed to be together to   Muskingum County, this remodel would
        remember Jenny’s dad and my husband   not have happened in the same way.”
        Larry (1940-2020)  on  his birth date.       Some of  the changes  planned  in-                                         Scan the QR Code
        We ate at Texas Roadhouse where the   clude a reimagined children’s space on                                              for additional
        waitress commented about the state of   the lower level featuring STEM activities.
        Texas T-shirt I was wearing.  That made   The location of the new children’s space                                     information and to
        me smile and remember when I lived in   will be next door to the Storytime Room                                         make a donation.
        Texas.                               and the Auditorium which will be a huge
            Psalm 143:5&6  KJV...I  remember   benefit during library events for children.
        the  days of old;  I  meditate on  all  Thy   The main level will house a quiet reading
        works; I muse on the work of Thy hands.    room, and new collections for adult and
        I stretch forth my hands unto Thee.  My   teen readers as well as a makerspace
        soul  thirsteth after Thee,  as a thirsty   and vibrant teen space. Meeting spaces
        land.  Selah                         with teleconferencing technology, an ex-
                                             panded  Family History Center,  and  the
                                             new home for the Friends of the Library
                                             Bookstore will all be located on the sec-
                                             ond level. Additionally, more family rest-
         ISSUES OF THE DRESDEN BUZZ ARE ALSO   rooms will be added to each floor of the
                ONLINE IN FULL COLOR!        Library.
               WWW.DRESDENBUZZ.COM               “We are building a flexible space for

                                             New Physician joins Genesis                                              Celebration

                                                                                                                      of Life for
                                             OB/GYN Group  Submitted

                                                                                     Aaron Bowers, D.O., has joined the   Ruth A.
                                                                                 Genesis  OB/GYN  Group,  specializing
                                                                                 ers completed his  bachelor  of  science  Cunningham
                                                                                 in  obstetrics  and  gynecology.  Dr.  Bow-
                                                                                 at Utah Valley University in Orem, Utah.
                                                                                 He earned  his  doctor  of  medicine  at
                                                                                 the Oklahoma  State University College
                                                                                 of Osteopathic Medicine in Tulsa, Okla-
                                                                                 homa. He completed his obstetrics and
            Bible-based character                                                gynecology residency at Riverside Meth-
                                                                                 odist Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.
           education during school                                                   Dr. Bowers is accepting  new pa-
           hours (specials or lunch).                                            tients at  the Genesis OB/GYN Group,
                                                                                 945 Bethesda Drive, Suite 330, Zanes-
                                                                                 ville, Ohio, 43701. Patients can sched-
                                             Aaron Bowers, D.O.                  ule  appointments  by calling  740-454-
                                                                                 8800. More information can be found at
                                                                       ; click on Find Doctors.
                                             Gospel Sings

                                             August 16 - First Baptist Church Dresden
                                             August 23 - Trinway UMC                    SEND YOUR COMMUNITY           A celebration of life will be held to honor
                                             August 30 - New Hope Church                 ANNOUNCEMENTS TO             the  life  of Ruth Cunningham  on Satur-
                                                                                       INFO@DRESDENBUZZ.COM.          day, August 10, 2024 from 1 to 4 p.m.
                                             All Gospel Sings start at 7pm.                                           at the Legion Anex (1384 Main Street,
                                             For questions call Mary Lee at                                           Dresden).  Food, water, and pop will be
                                             740-624-3985                                                             provided.  BYOB is welcomed.
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