Page 11 - Dresden Buzz 08-09-24
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AUGUST 9 - 22, 2024                                                                                                            EVENTS  | PAGE 11


            August 10                        SCHOOL PARTY                         BACK TO SCHOOL                         August 31
           Collegiate Wood Trail               August 11                            August 18                           Jeff Drennen GM
        (1555 Newark Road, Zanesville)         Trinity Full Gospel Church           Neubella nail & spa               (3625 Maple Ave., Zanesville)
           9:00 AM                           (535 Munson Ave, Zanesville)         (766 Linden Ave, Ste B, Zanesville)    10AM- 3PM
        Join us for the 1st annual “Stride for Supplies” 5K    3PM - 6PM           All Day                            Car  show, food,  music,  prizes,  All-Star  Lemon
        fun run event hosted by Lindsey Baldwin with Town   Free haircuts,  School  supplies,  Breakfast items,   Walk-ins Only  Shake-ups, Rollin’ Smoke Backyard BBQ. All Chev-
        & Country Realtors. Your  participation in  the  5K   Food, Bounce house, and more.                           rolets welcome.  Call to register 740-452-4579
        will help provide essential school supplies to stu-                       FOOD COURT KARAOKE
        dents in need. This is NOT a timed 5K however we   ZANESVILLE MOTORCYCLE    August 21                         NEW CONCORD COMMUNITY
        will have a clock at the finish line so you can see                                                           DAY
        your  time!  Race Packets  and  Finish  Line  Perks:   COMMUNITY SCHOOL SUPPLY    Colony Square Mall             August 31
        Your race packet will include a custom t-shirt with  DRIVE                (3575 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)
        an official race logo, and other sponsor items to be    August 11           4PM - 7PM                           New Concord
        determined. Water and refreshments will be avail-   Jackson Street Community Center   .Join  us  for  Karaoke with  Randy  Rox Entertain-   10AM - 4PM
        able at the finish. T-shirts will be on a first come   (928 Jackson Street, Zanesville)   ment!!  Enjoy  karaoke in  the Food  Court 4pm to   Celebrate the rich history of New Concord during
        first served basis. Late entry $35 until race day.                        7pm. Grab a bite to eat at Auntie Anne’s, China   Community Day by taking a free walk through tour
        For  any  questions, please  contact:  Timing  Com-   3PM - 5PM, (or until supplies run out)   Max or  Picnic Pizza.          of the Glenn Home along with a prize wheel and
        pany: Muskingum Multisports @ 740-819-9300 or   The Zanesville Motorcycle Community will be com-              some goody bags for students
        Race Director: Lindsey Baldwin 740-624-5644.   ing together to help our children start the school   SECREST SUMMER CONCERT   Vendor’s Village and Kid’s Corner - 10AM - 4PM,
        Sign up at:  year off right. Kids can bring their school lists and               Party in the Park - 4PM -10PM.
                                             we  will  fill  bags  with  what  they  need.  FREE  hair   SERIES - JUMP AND
                                             cuts  3PM -  4:45PM  for  registered  school  kids.   THUNDERSTRUCK
        FLEETWOOD MAC EXPERIENCE             Grades K - 12.                                                           ZANESVILLE MUSKINGUM VALLEY
           August 10                                                                August 29                         RIVER FEST 2024
           Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall   MUSKINGUM COUNTY FAIR                Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall    August 31 & September 1
                                                                                    5PM - 8PM
           7:30PM                              August 11-17                       The City of Zanesville presents the Secrest    Along the Muskingum River, from
        FMX recreates the legendary look & sound of the   See pages 13 and 16 for details.      Summer Concert Series featuring Jump & Thun-  Riverside Park to Putnam Greenway
        one and only Fleetwood Mac! For Information and                           derstruck on Thursday, August 29th in downtown      Celebrate the Muskingum River. Boat pa-
        tickets  visit  2024 CELEBRATE NEW CONCORD   Zanesville! The event will take place in the   rade on the river, canoe/kayak races and try-its,
        fmx-at-secrest-auditorium            - SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT               Secrest Auditorium parking lot. FREE ADMISSION!   “Ferry” rides on the Lorena Sternwheeler from
                                             SERIES                               Food truck items and drinks from the beer garden   Zanes Landing Park to Riverside Park. experience
        LOCK  #10 & Y-BRIDGE  HISTORY          Aug. 13, August 27                 will be on site for purchase. The fun starts at 5:00   downtown....visit art galleries, dine at local spots
        TOUR  KAYAKING  TRIP  WITH PEA         New Concord Village Park           p.m. with DJ Adonis. The band will play from 6:30   and enjoy entertainment throughout downtown
        OHANA WATERSPORTS                    (2 West Main Street, New Concord)    - 8 p.m. Bring a chair and enjoy live music, food   Zanesville, fishing derby & try-its, archery/
                                                                                                                      outdoor sports & try-its, water dog sports, hike/
            August 10                          7PM                                and beer! In case of rain, this event will be moved   bike challenges for prizes. More information: 740-
           Pea Ohana boathouse               August 13-Northwest Territory, August 27-Swing’s                         455-8237.
            12PM - 2:30PM                    The Thing. Bring a chair and enjoy FREE family fun!
        Join the Muskingum County Library System for Pea   Rain  location  is  New  Concord  United  Methodist   Schedule is subject to change.  The Dresden Buzz tries to provide up-to-date event listings and information for area
        Ohana’s immersive kayaking tour through Zanes-  Church, 20 East High Street.  events however, some events may end up being canceled, rescheduled, etc. between the time we compile them for
        ville’s rich history. Departing from the historic Pea                    print and the time the event occurs.  It is always a good idea to double check event times and details before attending.
        Ohana  boathouse,  our  journey leads  us  to Lock  ONE NIGHT IN A BOX -
        #10 on  the Muskingum  River,  where we’ll  meet   RAISING AWARENESS FOR THE
        the  Lockmaster and  former  ODNR  Lockmaster,   HOMELESS
        Dutch Holland. As we navigate through the work-
        ing double lock, Dutch will share captivating tales    August 16
        of its over  170-year-old  history. Continuing  our    Trulight Ministries
        paddle past iconic landmarks like the 6th Street   (807 Putnam Ave Zanesville)   A BUZZ FUNNY
        Bridge and the Y-Bridge, we’ll conclude our expe-   7:00 PM                      by Logan Dotson
        dition at Putnam Landing Park, reflecting on our   Have  fun raising  awareness for the homeless.
        adventure  amidst  the picturesque  scenery. This   FREE  food  and  the  LIVE  band,  Slaw  Dog  will  be
        program  is  for  adults  18+  due  to  the insurance   performing.  Visit us on Facebook to register and
        waiver. Register at   participate!  You  can  also  donate and/or  register
        CAR/JEEP SHOW -                      online at:     What happens to an
        PARTY IN PUTNAM                      MATT FRAMPTON - LIVE MUSIC AT
           August 10                         THE VICTORY GARDEN                        illegally parked frog?
           Pablo’s Tires                       August 16, August 23, September 20,
        (758 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville)      October 11
        PARTY IN PUTNAM. Kicking off with a car show at    The Victory Garden
        Pablo’s Tires from 1-3. Beer sold on Washington
        Street outside of the  Dr  Increase  Mathew’s Mu-  (807 Main Street, Dresden)
        seum. From 2-9pm Food Truck, Live Music, & Un-   6PM - 8PM
        derground Railroad Tours beginning 4-8pm After   Join us for an evening of music, food, and drinks.
        dark Movie in the Park showing ET. STOP DOWN &   Donations are always welcome. A link is provided
        ENJOY OUR BEAUTIFUL COMMUNITY        for you or you can donate the night of the event.
                                             For tickets go to:

           Benefit Rummage & Bake Sale
             For The Family of Katherine (Kathy) Vickers

                                    Saturday, August 31                    st
                                                9AM - 3PM

                                       at Old Dresden Municipal Building
                                          (Corner of 9th & Chestnut Street)

                                             Asking for slightly used items
                                            as donations and baked goods.                                                                             Follow Logan on Facebook @artworkbylogandotson

                                          Along with baked goods, soup and
                                       sandwiches will be available to purchase.

                                      CONTACT: Cathy Teegardin 740-252-2835,                It Gets Toad Away!
                                           Meggan Simms 740-586-9051, or
                                             Valerie Brink 740-683-1713
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