Page 15 - Dresden Buzz 02-07-25
P. 15

FEBRUARY 7 - 20, 2025                                                                   ANNOUNCEMENTS/CLASSIFIEDS/SHOP & HIRE LOCAL    | PAGE 15
              SENIOR                         Alice in                                      CLASSIFIED ADS

              CENTER                         wonder land                               CLASSIFIED@DRESDENBUZZ.COM OR TEXT/CALL 740-270-2408

                MENU                           By Alice Stratman Smith                 FOR SALE - SHARP TV                WOODWORKING MACHINE
                                                                                                                             SHOPSMITH MARK V
                                                                                          65 Inch Smart TV
                                                 The  Groundhog  ‘Weather Forcast-
                                             er’ reported today, February 3rd, that    Price Can Be Negotiated           Five woodworking tools in one!
            Lunch is  served Monday through   we will have six more weeks of winter.        740-221-7507                  Lathe (and tools), table saw
        Friday each week.  Reservations are re-  There is a group of people who think this                             (blades), disc sander (sanding discs
        quired by 9 am for lunch by calling the   is cruelty to animals  but  it looked like   TWO STORY HOME FOR SALE  included), horizontal drill borig, drill
        Muskingum  County  Senior  Center at   The Groundhog was  enjoying being  a   Move in ready 3 bedroom, 2 bath,      press (and accessories).
                                             Newscaster.  The local forecast today is
        740-454-9761. There is a suggested do-  springlike up to 60 degrees.        2 story, 1 car detached garage.     MAKE AN OFFER! • Pick up only.
                                                                                                                                (740) 575-4270
                                                                                    2454 Oakwood Ave Zanesville.
        nation of $3.00 for lunch.  Menu is sub-     Weather conditions  can  be pre-  $219,900. Leave voicemail with
        ject to change without notice.       dicted because  of  modern  technology.    your number where we will text   MEMORIAL PLOT FOR SALE
                                             However tragedy’s like fires, plane and    photo gallery, specifics,
        Friday, February 7                   automobile crashes, killings, robberies,                                 AT ZANESVILLE MEMORIAL PARK
        HAMBURGER GRAVY, MASHED              rapes,  drug  use and  etc. is on  the  in-  appointment. to view.              Section K 472 Grave 1
        POTATOES, GREEN BEANS,               crease and cannot be predicted.  Mary          740-607-2851                 Everything is paid for and has
        PINEAPPLE                            Ann Holbrook gave me a book to read                                       plaque included. Has roses around
                                             that is explaining the world situation to-  1000 PIECE PUZZLES                 it and an angel praying.
        Monday, February 10                  day, How To Keep Your Head On Straight    10 puzzles $4.00 each or                 asking $2,400
        CHEESEBURGER, WEDGE FRIES,           In A World Gone CRAZY by Rick Renner.    $35.00 for all • 740-607-4883             740-565-4013
        CARROTS, MANDARIN ORANGES            It  is very interesting,  informative and
                                             rather frightful.  In fact, I couldn’t go to   MEDLINE GUARDIAN BATH STOOL     HALLMARK KEEPSAKE
        Tuesday, February 11                 sleep that night so  I will finish reading it   Brand new.                          ORNAMENTS
                                             before supper.
        SCRAMBLED EGGS, HASH BROWNS,             Remembering my husband  Larry         $20.00 • 740-297-5252          Nascar Gordon, Baseball Ken Griffey
        APPLESAUCE, ORANGE JUICE             (1940-2020) gives me such peace and                                       Jr., Nolan Ryan, NFL quarter backs,
                                             loving  memories.   However,  he was  in   SUNBEAM ELECTRIC THROW              Golf Palmer, cars, trucks
        Wednesday, February 12               dangerous  situations  when  we lived  in   Black and red checkered.              and motorcycles.
        BEEF TIPS IN GRAVY, MASHED           Texas and went to Mexico and built a Bi-        Brand new.                  $10-$15 each• 740-453-8458
        POTATOES, GREEN BEANS, TROPI-        ble Training School and churches.  Larry   $20.00 • 740-297-5252
        CAL FRUIT                            had many dangers, toils and snares but                                        2011 GMC SIERRA 1500
                                             through it all He trusted God and was led   PLOW FOR CUB CADET TRACTOR            4WD, Ext Cab SLE
        Thursday, February 13                by The Holy Spirit.                        42 inches x 15 inches                Vortec 5.3L V8 engine

                                                 Proverbs 3:5&6...NIV...Trust in  the
        CREAMED CHICKEN ON A BISCUIT,        Lord with all your heart and lean not on   $150.00 • 740-296-8363                Gray Green Metallic
        CARROTS, BROCCOLI, MIXED FRUIT       your own understanding; in all your ways                                    137,000 miles, great condition
                                             acknowledge Him, and  He  will  make   5PC GLASS BLUE TABLE AND               $11,000 • 740-644-9345
        Friday, February 14                  your paths straight.                            CHAIR SET
        BAKED FISH, SCALLOPED                                                             never been outside            AVAILABLE FOR GATHERINGS
        POTATOES, SUCCOTASH, PINEAPPLE                                                        $175 OBO                 The Veterans Hut in Frazeysburg is
                                                ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.              740-565-4013                  available for your gatherings.
        Monday, February 17                              740-270-2408                                                  For information call 740-208-3191

        Tuesday, February 18                                                              POWER WASHING                         FEED & SUPPLY
        MASHED POTATOES, SAUERKRAUT,                                                                  Power Washing
        PEACHES                              LOCAL                                                     Services for...      The Mill
        Wednesday, February 19                                                                         aBusinesses          IN DRESDEN
        UNSTUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS,                                                                      aCampers/RVs
        CALIFORNIA BLEND, PEAS, FRUIT        BUZZ BUSINESS DIRECTORY                                  aPatios & Decks    Feed supplier for commercial and pets
        JUICE                                    CALL/TEXT TO ADVERTISE                                 aVehicles              & feed manufacturing.
                                                       740-270-2408                                                     16 E 7th St, Dresden • 740-754-2391
        Thursday, February 20                                                      CALL 740-319-1791 or 740-607-9661
        GREEN BEANS, PINEAPPLE                          HARDWARE                              CLEANING                              METALS
        Friday, February 21                            AGIN                        LOOKING FOR
        CARROTS, PEARS                         HARDWARE                           MRS. CLEAN?

                                                Open M-F 8-5 & Sat.8-3            Free estimates with great refs at reasonable rates.
                                                                                   WELL KEPT CLEANING SERVICES
                                                 27 W 5th St, Dresden
               Bonnie Longaberger                                                         Call: 740-297-6155
                  Senior Center                   740-754-1949                       ***10% Senior Discount***
             1348 Main Street, Dresden

               Muskingum County                  ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION                     ORGANIZATION                           TOWING
                Center for Seniors
            160 N. 4th Street, Zanesville.

                                               Buildings • Roofs • Decks • Siding

                                                ADVERTISE IN THE SHOP & HIRE LOCAL BUZZ BUSINESS DIRECTORY!
                                                                   AFFORDABLE SMALL BUSINESS ADVERTISING

                FOLLOW THE BUZZ                                              Choose your                 $ 29             $ 99           $ 169
                 @DRESDENBUZZ                                           advertising package!            A MONTH         6 MONTHS           1 YEAR
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