Page 13 - Dresden Buzz 02-07-25
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FEBRUARY 7 - 20, 2025 EVENTS | PAGE 13
UKULELE LESSONS AT HOMELESS HANDS OF weather-appropriate attire. Artificial lights may be SUNDAY FUNDAY
THE CENTER ZANESVILLE - COMEDY NIGHT brought but used at the Naturalist’s discretion. February 16
Every Monday February 8 VALENTINE’S DINNER Zanesville Museum of Art
Muskingum County Center for Seniors EagleSticks Golf Club February 13 (620 Military Road Zanesville)
(160 N. 4th Street, Zanesville) (2655 Maysville Pike, Zanesville) Muskingum County Center for Seniors 1PM - 4PM
4PM 8:00 PM 160 N 4th St, Zanesville Join us for another exciting Sunday Funday at
Join us for Ukulele lessons at the Center. Whether *COMEDY SHOW FUNDRAISER**ON SALE NOW! the ZMA! This one is in conjunction with special
you’re a beginner or have some experience, you’ll Come spend a night out laughing till your belly 5:30 PM ZMA Exhibition Magic Realism: Paintings by
learn to strum and play along with ease. And if hurts! aannddd help fund a great organization! Valentine’s Day Dinner at the Center. Chef Steve Paul Emory on view February 6 through April 5.
you enjoy exercising your vocal chords and singing $25 per ticket. Order tickets: https://tinyurl. will be catering a delicious spaghetti dinner.The Enjoy…Hands-on art activities, Games and prizes,
along, that’s an added bonus! Come and share com/26rbznhx evening will feature entertainment by Betty Doug- Complimentary Refreshments, and more! Fun
the joy of music with us. las.Tickets go on sale on Monday, January 14 for for the whole family! Free and open to the public.
SUPER BOWL PARTY $20 per person. Don’t miss out on this romantic Recommended for all ages. No registration
and delightful evening! Register at the center or
BOOK IN A JAR February 9 online. For more information call (740) 454-9761
February 1 - 15 VFW Post 1058 MUSKINGUM COUNTY
South Branch Library (1318 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville) LOVE IS IN THE AIR HIKE CENTER FOR SENIORS -
2530 Maysville Pike, Zanesville 6:30 PM February 14 BOWLING BONANZA!
Think you know every word of your favorite book? Potluck (Bring covered dish). Dillon State Park February 18
Put that knowledge to the test and try to guess $1 Beer during game. 50/50. Bar Poker. (5265 Dillon Hills Drive, Nashport)
the title of a shredded book in a jar on display at Sunrise Bowling Center
the South Branch Library. Stop by and give it your GALENTINE’S BRUNCH BAR 12PM - 1:30PM (1940 East Pike, Zanesville)
best guess.Get the correct answer and you may February 9 Join us for a fun and informative hike as we 12:00 PM
win a prize, compliments of the Friends of the take to the trails and discuss the wildlife also Join us for an exciting afternoon at Sunrise Bowl-
South Branch Library. Union Square seasonally observing this day of love! We’ll look ing Center! We’ll be hitting the lanes on Tuesday,
(701 Chestnut Street, Dresden) for ourselves to see what signs of animals we February 18 at 12:00 pm. For just $10, you can
can find and what those signs may tell us. Hike is
ART IN YOUR HEART 10AM - 12PM approximately 2 miles across moderate terrain. enjoy 2 games of bowling with free shoe rental.
February 7 Event hosted by: Beauty By Design Floral Bou- Meet at the Nature Center. Bring water/snacks, Lunch is not included. To secure your spot, make
tique & The Village Seamstress. Cost: $30 per
Elk’s Eye Art Market person. Breakfast & Pastry Bar, Sweet Treat Bites, sturdy footwear, and weather-appropriate at- sure to register at the Center or online. Register:
(22 South Fourth St, Zanesville) Valentine’s Day themed games, DIY Make and tire. Calendar/Register/Bowling-At-Sunrise-Bowling-
5PM - 8PM Take, Door Prizes. More information: 740-575- BLOOD DRIVE Center-Sunrise-Bowling-Center-169/
February is a great time to fill your heart with the 2769 or visit Beauty By Design Floral Boutique
joy and passion that comes from great art, and Facebook page February 12 CATAPULT SNOWBALL FIGHT
where better to find that art than at The Elk’s Eye Coburn United Methodist Church February 20
Art Market. With over 30 local artists available in GALENTINE’S TEA PARTY (3618 Maple Avenue, Zanesville) Dresden Branch Library -
our retail space, we can offer pottery, photogra- February 9 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
phy, woodworking, knives, metal work, fiber art, Union Square Urging people to roll up their sleeves and donate Dresden Meeting Room
paintings, jewelry, stained glass and more! We blood or platelets to help replenish the nation’s (816 Main Street, Dresden)
will be open until 8 pm to accommodate the First (701 Chestnut Street, Dresden) supply. The Red Cross is especially calling for do- 4:30PM - 5:30PM
Friday Art Walk and hope you will take advantage 1:30PM -3:30PM nors with type O negative blood to help save lives. Bring your imagination, your STEM skills, and
of a night with art! Event hosted by: Beauty by Design Floral Boutique To schedule an appointment visit RedCrossBlood. your battle cry! Build your own catapult and use
& The Village Seamstress. Cost: $35. Afternoon it to engage in a epic snowball fight. We will
SNOWMAN STROLL ART SHOW/ tea, treats, tea sandwiches, chocolate bar, DIY org or call 1-800-RED CROSS be using popsicle sticks and plastic spoons to
CONTEST make and take, Valentine’s Day themed games VIDEOGRAPHY 101 create catapults. Once your catapult is built, you
and door prizes. More information call: 740-575-
February 7 2769. To register: visit Beauty By Design Boutique February 12 can engage in a cotton ball snowball fight with
Julie’s ARTery Herrold Hall, Ohio University Zanesville other kids and their catapults. Register: https://
(53 S 7th St, Zanesville) SOIL PAINTING (1425 Newark Rd., Zanesville)
We are thrilled to invite local artists, both young Dresden Branch Library - “Join Daegan Lusk, an experienced videographer - CHAIR-ITY AUCTION
and old, to participate in our upcoming com- Dresden Meeting Room and the founder of Daegan Lusk Media, for a February 20 - 22
munity art show and contest. This year’s theme hands-on introduction to the art and craft of
is “”Snowmen,”” and we’re looking for family- (816 Main Street, Dresden) videography. In this one-hour session, Daegan will Colony Square Mall
friendly creations that capture the magic and joy 3PM - 4PM guide you through the basics of video production. (3575 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)
of our favorite frosty fellows. Whether you paint, Join Betsy Rosser from Muskingum Soil & Water Whether you’re interested in making videos for Our CHAIR-ity Auction is an auction featuring
sculpt, draw, or sew, we encourage you to let Conservation District for a discussion of soil and social media, YouTube, personal projects, or just CHAIRS of all types. Auction preview: Feb. 20
your creativity shine and contribute to this festive a fun watercolor painting project. We will be want to learn new skills, this workshop will pro- from 5-7PM, Live Auction: Feb. 21 starting at
celebration. Submissions will be showcased in breaking down rocks and using pigments created vide you with practical tips and tricks to improve 3PM, Silent Auction runs Feb. 20 at 5PM through
our gallery, providing a wonderful opportunity for by a soil scientist to paint our own watercolors. your videography. This workshop is perfect for Feb. 22 at 5PM. Visit for
artists of all ages to share their talents with the Register: beginners and anyone looking to enhance their further details.
community. Prizes will be awarded for adults and event/12526249 videography skills. Whether you’re interested in
children. Awards will be presented at 6:30pm on capturing memories, creating content for a brand, HOME SHOW
Friday, Feb 7, during the First Friday ArtWalk. GALENTINE’S DAY BASH or exploring videography as a career, you’ll leave February 21-23
February 12 with valuable knowledge and the confidence to Colony Square Mall
WINTER CRAFT AND VENDOR The 146 - Colony Square Mall start shooting your own videos.This event is free
SHOW (3575 Maple Ave,, Zanesville) and open to all, but space may be limited. Don’t (3575 Maple Ave. Zanesville)
Join us for Muskingum County’s Home Show
February 7 - 9 5PM - 8PM miss this opportunity to learn from an expert and featuring local professionals specializing in home
Colony Square Mall Ladies, it’s time to celebrate friendship and fun! take your video-making skills to the next level! improvements, landscaping, real estate, finance,
(3575 Maple Avenue, Zanesville Join us for an unforgettable Galentine’s Day event/12541400 design and more!
10AM - 5PM event filled with laughter, creativity, and delicious
Local craft and vendor show featuring local and treats. Complementary Drink: We will prepare 5TH ANNUAL TAKE AUCTION VALENTINES DAY DINNER
handmade specialty items and gifts! Vendors sell- a special drink on us! Naughty Cookie Decorat- AGAINST ELDER ABUSE - COMEDY February 22
ing handmade jewelry, collectibles, home decora- ing: Get cheeky and creative with our naughty VFW 1058
tions, wreaths, custom apparel and gifts, direct cookie decorating station. Let your imagination SHOW FUNDRAISER (1318 Putnam Avenue, Zanesville)
sales consultants and more! run wild! Snacks & Desserts: Indulge in a variety February 14
of scrumptious snacks and desserts. We’ve got Bryan Place Come out and have a fantastic dinner in a
2025 MUSKINGUM UNIVERSITY something to satisfy every sweet tooth. Photo (49 North 6th Street, Zanesville) romantic setting! (This dinner is after Valentine’s
Day due to the VFW Cruise). This is Pre Sale only!
POLAR PLUNGE Props: Capture the memories with our fun and This is a great way to show your support in pre- Ticket cut-off is February 12. Tickets are behind
fabulous photo props. Strike a pose and make
February 8 it a night to remember! Call: 740- 367-1250 to venting elder abuse. Doors open at 6PM, Show the bar! Or see Tina and Shaila. $60 a couple.
Muskingum University, University Lake reserve your spot! limited availability! $10 ticket starts at 8PM. Silent auction and 50/50 raffle. Meal: 2 ribeyes, 2 baked potatoes, 2 salads, 2
Food and drinks available for purchase.Tickets
(260 Stadium Dr, New Concord) price at the door. Bring your besties and let’s are $20. Purchase tickets by contacting Courtney rolls 1 bottle of wine (your choice-Moscato, Pink
Moscato, or Merlot). RSVP - 740-487-2106.
10:45am - Registration Begins make this Galentine’s Day one for the books! Desalvo at 740-280-2390.
Are you Freezin’ for a Reason? Get ready for the SNOW MOON HIKE FEBRUARY SQUARE DANCE February 23
#ChillOfALifetime at the Law Enforcement Torch & LINE DANCE The Daily Drip
Run for Special Olympics Ohio Muskingum Univer- February 12 February 15
sity Cool Schools Polar Plunge. The Polar Plunge Dillon State Park Lindsley’s Banquet Barn (701 Main Street, Dresden)
is our largest community fundraising event, (5265 Dillon Hills Drive, Nashport) 1 - 5PM
dedicated to supporting athletes from Special 7PM - 8PM (4060 New Riley RD, Dresden) Asia Luu Tattoos fine line tattoos, Charmed &
Olympics Ohio. Participants, whether individuals Join us for a guided nighttime hike along the 7PM - 10PM (Doors open at 6:30PM) Wild custom charm bar, Photography with Madi-
or teams, collect pledges from friends, family, park’s trails under the full moon! We’ll discuss $10 per person, door sales only! NO EXPERI- son Beiers, Permanent Jewelry by Kaila Smith,
and their communities to take an exhilarating icy things related to the moon and season as we ENCE IS NECESSARY! Bring your valentine for a Loving Creations Florals grab and go/build your
plunge—all in the name of inclusion! More infor- cover approximately one mile of terrain. Meet at date night! Bring your family and friends for a own bouquet bar, Handmade Soaps by Val Lu-
mation: good time!! Delicious food will be available for burgh, Shirer’s Pen Ban, Homemade Dog Treats
Trailhead X at the entrance to the marina parking
lot. Bring water/snacks, sturdy footwear and purchase! by Jennifer Brewer, and more!