Page 14 - Dresden Buzz 02-07-25
P. 14
Cass Twp Sidwell to Grant applications open for
Meetings retire Dale Hileman and Donald R.
Submitted by: S. Yvonne Sidwell Submitted by: S. Yvonne Sidwell Myers legacy funds Submitted
on behalf of the Cass Township Trustees on behalf of the Cass Township Trustees
The Cass Township Trustees met in S. Yvonne Sidwell, Fiscal Officer of
Special Session on January 28th, 2025 Cass Township, will retire effective as of Funding available for projects, activities in
at the township hall in Trinway, Ohio. April 30th, 2025. The position of Fiscal
Officer will be vacant for the remainder Appalachian Ohio
Resident Scott A Moore was appointed
to fill the vacant Trustee position effec- of her term. The Trustees are accepting
tive February 1st, 2025 for the remain- Letters of Intent and a Resume from any students interested in history as
der of the current term ending Decem- resident of Cass Township that would be The Foundation for Appalachian Ohio
ber 31, 2025. interested in filling the vacant position of (FAO) and its 15 affiliate foundation well as other entrepreneurial areas
The regular monthly meetings will re- Fiscal Officer for the remainder of the partners announce the Feb. 4 opening such as cooking, marketing,
sume on the first Tuesday of each term expiring March 31, 2028. of grant applications for the Dale Hile- business and event planning
month beginning February 4th 2025 be- Submit such to Cass Township Trust- man Legacy Fund and the Donald R. My- • Nelsonville-York High School in
ginning at 7:00 p.m. ees in person at the monthly meeting ers Legacy Fund to Support Partnership Athens County to purchase a new
(March 4th) or by US Postal Service to P in Appalachian Ohio. oscillating spindle sander for its
O Box 326, Trinway OH 43842. Comput-
er skills and knowledge of bookkeeping/ Funding is available for projects and woodshop
activities that are improving quality of
Village of payroll, detail oriented. Training avail- life and advancing flourishing Appala- Donald R. Myers
able. Appointment to be determined by
Frazeysburg Trustees at the April 8th meeting to as- chian Ohio communities. Applications Legacy Fund
The Donald R. Myers Legacy Fund to
sume duties of Fiscal Officer as of May for both funding opportunities must be
1st, 2025.
Support Partnership in Appalachian
submitted online by Tuesday, March 18.
financial Dale Hileman Legacy Fund Ohio was created to support the region’s
nonprofit and public organizations in ad-
report Gospel Sings The Dale Hileman Legacy Fund, cre- vancing projects and activities that im-
prove quality of life, with an emphasis
ated with support from the Eastern
complete Feb 7 First Baptist Church Dresden Ohio Development Alliance (EODA), on areas Myers worked so passionately
supports causes that were close to Hile-
to address: education, regional network-
Feb 21 First Baptist Church Dresden man’s heart – economic development ing, support for community leaders and
The 2024 Annual Financial Report for Feb 28 First Baptist Church Dresden and growth – and organizations within fulfillment of basic needs.
the Village of Frazeysburg is complete EODA’s service area. The service area Open to organizations in Appalachian
and available for review at: All Gospel Sings start at 7pm. covers Athens, Belmont, Carroll, Colum- Ohio’s 32 counties, additional informa-
Village of Frazeysburg For questions call Mary Lee at biana, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, tion and the 2025 grant application are
7 W. Second Street 740-624-3985
Frazeysburg, Ohio 43822 Holmes, Jefferson, Monroe, Morgan, available at
Between 8 AM and 4 PM Monday Muskingum, Noble, Perry, Tuscarawas Myers. Funding requests should not ex-
through Friday and Washington counties. ceed $1,000.
Funding requests should not exceed Myers was a stalwart champion for
READ & SHARE THE BUZZ ONLINE IN FULL $1,000. Additional information and the Appalachian Ohio, serving as executive
COLOR - WWW.DRESDENBUZZ.COM grant applications are available at www. director of the Ohio Mid-Eastern Govern- ments Alliance and president of EODA.
A native of Columbiana County, Hile- During his years of service, Myers advo-
man’s legacy includes a lifetime of ser- cated for Appalachian Ohio and gener-
vice to eastern Ohio. He worked for Co- ated countless financial investments to
lumbia Gas of Ohio for 40 years, serving support the region’s progress in meeting
basic needs, including infrastructure de-
Carrollton, Jackson and Cambridge in
Pastor’s Corner Appalachian Ohio, and helped establish velopment that advanced quality of life
and economic growth – a legacy that
EODA to promote economic develop-
continues through the FAO fund that
ment and growth in eastern Ohio. In re-
tirement, he remained committed to im-
In 2024, three grants were awarded
proving quality of life in the region and to bears his name.
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH promoting his community of Cambridge through the Donald R. Myers Legacy
in Guernsey County, where he shared his Fund. The Eastern Local School District
801 Chestnut Street, Dresden, OH 43821 final years with his wife, Evelyn. in Meigs County received funding for
740-754-1029 In 2024, grants were supplies for new calm spaces. Steps for
Success in Ashtabula County received
awarded to: funding for summer workshops focused
PASTOR THOMAS M. REMEMBER • The Columbiana County on time management, financial literacy
ROBINSON Educational Service Center to and interpersonal skills held in partner-
Dear Friend, support a Summer Manufacturing ship with After-School Discovery, a local
Camp, held in collaboration with the organization that provides enrichment
Remember when you were young? Or, at least a little younger? You had all those Columbiana County Business opportunities to underserved youth. And
big dreams, big plans and high hopes. The time just couldn’t go by fast enough. It was Advisory Council and 11 local school Project Noelle, serving Hocking County,
going to be great! You had an eager zeal for tomorrow. What one old-timey preacher districts received funding to purchase clothing,
called “a well founded, well grounded expectation for good.”
Then, something unexpected happened. Time began to pass. Discouragements, • The Dennison Railroad Depot shoes and diapers for children impacted
distractions, and responsibilities came. And, perhaps worst of all, the defeated voices of Museum in Tuscarawas County to by the opioid epidemic.
others began to speak to your own heart, “You can’t do that, just forget it and grow up.” support a partnership with A 501(c)(3) public charity, FAO is a
Gradually, the bright eyes of youth began to dim, and the big hopes and dreams be- Claymont High School that provides regional community foundation serving
gan to fade. Eventually they were replaced with what we like to call “maturity”. While summer jobs to low-income the 32 counties of Appalachian Ohio.
the Bible teaches plainly that “Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child;” (PR. 22:15)
and “Wisdom is the principal thing;” (PR. 4:7) this good maturity should neither dim nor In partnership with 14 geographic af-
destroy the hopes and dreams of God’s children. filiate foundations and the regionwide
Remember those old dreams? Pull them out, dust them off and shine them up. Make African American Community Fund, FAO
them fit the moment, and most importantly, pursue them again. works to unleash the collective potential
Remember what the Lord told Jeremiah; “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all within Appalachian Ohio by encourag-
flesh; is there anything too hard for me?” (JER. 32:27)
ing and supporting philanthropy. FAO’s
See you on Sunday, geographic affiliate partners serve the
Nelsonville area and Gallia, Guernsey,
- Pastor Robinson Harrison, Highland, Hocking, Jackson,
Puzzles Lawrence, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, No-
ble, Perry and Vinton counties.
JOIN US! Will return For more information about these
funds, FAO and how you can support or
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. create opportunities throughout Appa-
Sunday Morning Service: 10:40 a.m. 2/21/25 lachian Ohio, visit www.AppalachianO-
Bible Study: Sunday 6 p.m., Wednesday 7 p.m., email or call
The Evangelistic center of the Tri-Valley Region. 740.753.1111.