Page 2 - Dresden Buzz 07-26-24
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PAGE 2 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                     JULY 26 - AUGUST 8, 2024
                                             Lake’s Sunflower Field open for a second year,

                                             providing a summer family fun destination

                                             by Lynette Dotson

                  NEXT DEADLINE
                  August 5 at 5 PM

                    NEXT ISSUE
                     August 9

           DRESDEN: Bonnie Longaberger Senior Center,
          Scotties Den, Dari Twist, Circle K, Thirsty Dawg,
           The Warehouse Restaurant, Dresden Branch
         Library, Creno’s Pizza, Beauty By Design, Dresden
            Buzz, Main Street Pizzeria, The Mill, Agin
          Hardware, Certified, Subway, Shrivers Pharmacy,
                Humble Heart, Smore Baskets
           FRAZEYSBURG: New Beginnings Drive Thru,
             Dairy Queen, Frazeysburg Village Office,
                Subway, Duchess Gas Station
                 NASHPORT: Crenos Pizza

           ZANESVILLE: Kroger, The Muskingum County   The Lake family stands among the sunflowers at Lake’s Sunflower Field.    Lynette Dotson
          YMCA, John McIntire Library, Muskingum County
             Center for Seniors, Mass Media Comics,      Lake’s  Sunflower  Field  is  open  for     “Since last  year  we made some  place  at  Lake’s  Sunflower  Field  by  fol-
           Masterwork Gaming, Denny’s Classic Diner,   the 2024 season!  The flowers are ab-  changes to improve the experience! We  lowing their Facebook page.
          Fieldhouse Family Sports and Wellness Center,   solutely gorgeous and  there  are loads  got new props (egg chairs, child peacock     The  Sunflower  Field  welcomes
           Donald’s Donuts, Nicole’s on Main Hair Salon   of photo opportunities along the paths  chair, and  more!)  and  designed  better  leashed  well-behaved pets.  Pictures
          and Boutique, The Zanesville-Muskingum County   through  the  6-acre  sunflower  field  lo-  paths”,  Jen  explained.  “The  sunflowers  with your furry friend surrounded by the
               Conference & Welcome Center,   cated at 10965 Norfield Road, Norwich,  are also planted differently for a better  beauty of the flowers is more than Ins-
         The Elk’s Eye Art Market, Walgreens (Military Rd.)  Ohio.               experience for all. We planted them in  tagram  worthy, it will  be a  picture  you
                                                Bring your family and make memo-  two  waves again  and  split  it  down  the  will want in your home or office for sure!
            SOUTH ZANESVILLE: South Branch Library,   ries amongst the flowers! Admission is  middle (right and left), so there would be  Photographers are  also  invited  to the
            Darrell’s Donuts, Central Pike Coffee Co.  $5 a person (infants are free) and sun-  a nice front view for a while. We also did  field.  Entry  rates  for  professional  pho-
                                             flowers can be picked for an additional  a  small  front  area  of  colorful  sunflow-  tographers is $10 an hour or $25 for the
           NEW CONCORD: Scott’s Diner, Wally’s Pizza,   charge  per  stem.  Pre-selected stems  ers.”                 day.
         New Concord Branch Library, Creno’s Pizza, Orme   are also available to purchase and take     The  Lakes  are also  offering  small     Lake’s  Sunflower  Field  is  open
                  Hardware, Arena Cuts
                                             home.                               events at the sunflower field.  The first  weekdays from 4 pm-  8:30  p.m.  and
           DUNCAN FALLS: Duncan Falls/Philo Branch      Owners Craig and Jen Lake opened  two are right around the corner on July  weekends from noon to 8:30 p.m.
                       Library               the Sunflower Field on their family farm  27 and July 29.  The first is a Craft in the
                                             last year with the  goal  being  to bring  Sunflowers event and the other, Pin-up
              ROSEVILLE: Roseville Branch Library  something different to the farm and the  Polaroids, is a collaboration with a local
                                             community.                          photographer  and  artist Carrie  Turner.
                                                “My favorite part is the excitement  Just this past Tuesday, the Lake family
                                             of the people that come! I love hearing  brought their goats, dogs, a draft horse
                                             the kids get excited  and  the  multiple  and more to the sunflowers for a special
                                             smiles  and  enjoyment of  the people!”  Animal Night event.  Be sure to stay up-
                                             stated Jen.                         to-date on all the special events taking
                                                                                                                         Lynette Dotson

                                             Zanesville-Muskingum County favorite featured

                                             on expanded Ohio Ice Cream Trail submitted

                                                To  celebrate National  Ice  Cream  culinary culture, manufacturing innova-  our local partners allowed us to have the
                                             Month, TourismOhio is inviting Ohioans  tion, and support for small businesses.”   inside scoop on the hometown favorites
                                             to grab a cone, bowl, or treat at one of     The  Ohio  Ice  Cream  Trail  first  from across the state. So, grab a cone
                                             the more than 50 stops along the newly  launched in  2018 with 15  stops.  In  and  let the good  times (and scoops)
                                             expanded Ohio Ice Cream Trail.      2019, TourismOhio added an additional  roll. In fact, make it two scoops - you’ve
                                                “When  Fran  and  I  travel  the  state  five stops were added from the results of  earned it!”
                                             with our kids and grandkids, we will go  a reader survey. Responding to growing     “Tom’s Ice Cream Bowl has been
                                             out of our way for locally made ice cream  popularity, the  trail  was expanded  this  a staple in our community for years!  It
                                             because it’s something you simply won’t  year to include 54 stops.       is the place to get the best scoop of ice
                                             get anywhere else,” said Governor DeW-     The 34 additional  stops  highlight  cream and is also a destination for many
                                             ine. “We’ve been going to Young’s Jersey  the wide variety of options available to  guests  to our  area!” said  Kelly  Ashby,
                                             Dairy near our home in Greene County  travelers wishing to  indulge  no  matter  Director  of  the Zanesville-Muskingum
                                             since we were teenagers, and it certain-  where they are in the state. TourismOhio  County Convention and Visitors Bureau.
                                             ly is one of our favorites, but no matter  partnered with local and county conven-     Check out the Ohio Ice Cream Trail
                                             what ice cream shop you visit along the  tion  and  visitors bureaus  to  ensure  all  and  other  Summer  in  Ohio  adventures
                                             trail, it’s going to be delicious.”   of  Ohio’s  geographic  regions—from  big  at
                                                The Ohio Ice Cream Trail highlights  cities  to  charming  towns—were  repre-     Operating  within  the  Ohio  Depart-
                                             family-owned shops and nationally rec-  sented. Shops serving Made-in-Ohio ice  ment  of  Development,  TourismOhio
                                             ognized  chains.  The  trail  is  available  cream and those with a significant, long-  works to showcase all Ohio has to offer
                                             online and for download as a printable  standing economic presence were given  as a place of adventure, a place of prom-
                                             version at                priority.                            ise, and a place for you.
                                                “The  Ohio  Ice  Cream  Trail  is  a  fun     “Wherever  your  Ohio  adventure     The  Ohio  Department  of  Develop-
                                             and unique way to explore the state and  leads, a scoop of Made in Ohio ice cream  ment empowers communities  to suc-
                                             support our  communities,”  said  Lydia  is the ultimate cherry on top of an un-  ceed  by  investing  in  Ohio’s  people,
                                             Mihalik,  director  of  the Department of  forgettable summer,” said state tourism  places, and businesses.  learn about our
                                             Development which oversees the Touris-  director  Sarah  Wickham.  “Our  goal  in  work at
                                             mOhio office. “The Trail truly shows that  expanding the Ohio Ice Cream Trail was
                                             we’re the heart of it all, bringing togeth-  to highlight the vast diversity of Ohio’s
                   ©2018-2024 Dotson Design Studio, LLC  er our state’s rich agricultural heritage,  ice cream offerings. Collaborating with
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