Page 6 - Dresden Buzz 07-26-24
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PAGE 6 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                     JULY 26 - AUGUST 8, 2024
        Cross Country boosters host Christmas in July                                                                  HEALTH & WELLNESS

        10k/5k at Dillon State Park                                     by Lynette Dotson
                                                                                                                      Those Old Family
                                                                                                                      Canning Recipes

                                                                                                                      By: Alexus Masterson, MPH,
                                                                                                                      Family & Consumer Sciences Educator
                                                                                                                      Ohio State University Extension,
                                                                                                                      Muskingum County

                                                                                                                          When  you  think  of  food  preservation,
                                                                                                                      what is the first thing that comes to mind?
                                                                                                                      Maybe it is picking fresh corn from the gar-
                                                                                                                      den  and  freezing  it,  or  helping  your  grand-
                                                                                                                      mother can green beans and tomatoes. Food
                                                                                                                      preservation can look like a variety of things
                                                                                                                      to each person, but canning is the most com-
                                                                                                                      mon way we see food being preserved with
                                                                                                                      endless possibilities!  Some  family  favorite
        Runners take off on their 5K or 10K journey at Dillon State Park.    Lynette Dotson                           recipes may have been passed down through
                                                                                                                      generations and would be fine to use if they
            The  Tri-Valley  Cross  Country  Boost-     In  the  10k  race  the  top  finishers  Beebe of Zanesville respectively.  have  been  tested  and  are  safe.  When  can-
        ers hosted an evening Christmas in July  were Graham Hudson of Dresden in first     There  were  22  registered 10k  run-  ning at home, using current and researched-
        10k/5k race throughout the Dillon State  with a time of 40:31.4, followed by Kreg  ners and 39 who were timed during the   based  recipes  should  be  used.  Old  or  un-
        Park  campus  in  Nashport  on  July  20.   Robinson  of Clarington,  and  Matthew  5k.  Participants ranged in age from 12   tested recipes  from friends,  the  internet,
        The event was a fundraiser for the Cross  Fellows of Dresden.            to 77 years of age.                  cookbooks,  or  grandma’s  collection  should
        Country team.                             The  top  three  finishers  for  the     Timing  serves were provided  by   not be canned. Home canning recommenda-
            All  participants  received  a  custom  5krace  were Alexander  Hogue of  Ad-  Muskingum Multisports.  For upcoming   tions have changed over the years as testing
        finishers  medal  and  a  race  shirt.    Age  amsville with a time of 19:03.2 followed  runs please visit their website at  has been done, as well as certain foods. Be
        group awards were also presented to top  by second and third places which went     sure  to check out  the Muskingum  County
        finishers.                           to H. Boyd  of Nashport and  Benjamin
                                                                                                                      Extension Office for current recipes and re-
                                                                                                                      sources when thinking about home canning
                                                                                                                      this season.
                                                                                                                          Canning at home depends on the type
        Lorena Sternwheeler the star of Civil War                                                                       produce you are wanting to preserve. Certain
                                                                                                                      foods with high acid such as fruits, pickles,
        Reenactment and Encampment along                                                                              relishes,  jams,  butters,  and  jellies  can  be
                                                                                                                      processed in a water bath canner as the like-
        Muskingum River                           by Lynette Dotson                                                   lihood  for  bacteria  is  low with  these  foods
                                                                                                                      (Virginia Cooperative Extension, 2022). Pres-
                                                                                                                      sure canning is the only canning process that
                                                                                     A  Civil  War  Reenactment  and  En-  reaches the 240 degrees Fahrenheit needed
                                                                                 campment returned to the banks of the   to destroy food-borne bacteria and create a
                                                                                 Muskingum River on July 19 and 20th.    vacuum seal necessary to prevent spoilage.
                                                                                 Camps  were setup  at  Riverside  Park   This method is required for foods and recipes
                                                                                 with  reenactors dressed  for  the period   such as meat, poultry, vegetables, seafood,
                                                                                 and carrying muskets and arming can-  and chili (Ball Mason Jars, 2023). The Ohio
                                                                                 nons.                                State University Extension has great resourc-
                                                                                     The most unique  part of this an-  es for canning, click or type the link below
                                                                                 nual  event  is  the  utilization  of  the  Lo-  to explore fact sheets: https://ohioline.osu.
                                                                                 rena Sternwheeler.  Ticket holders could   edu/topic/food.
                                                                                 board  the Sternwheeler from  Zane’s      There  are  so many memories when
                                                                                 Landing  Park at  set times and   get   we think about those old family recipes, re-
                                                                                 right in the action with “soldiers” taking   search the ones you love to see if you need
                                                                                 “shots” at their enemies along the river’s   to change it to keep the tradition alive! Some
                                                                                 edge.    Cannons  and  firearms  returned   benefits to home canning also include, read-
                                                                                 “fire”  and  the  sounds  of  “battle”  could   ily accessible food, peak freshness, and hav-
                                                                                 be heard for miles.  This opportunity pro-  ing  the control  of  where your  food  comes
                                                                                 vided a thrilling experience on the Stern-  from. During  the  pandemic,  food  preserva-
                                                                                 wheeler which contrasts  the normally   tion was a hot topic as food supplies in gro-
                                                                                 tranquil ride on the Muskingum.      cery stores were limited. So, by implement-
                                                                                     Saturday, Civil War Historian, Steve   ing food preservation in your home you can
        A reenactor walks along the path leading to the Lorena Sternwheeler at Zane’s Landing   Ball  was on  board  the boat  enriching   keep memories alive, create new ones, and
        Park.    Lynette Dotson                                                                                       provide for your loved ones. Happy canning!
                                                                                 the  performance further for any history
                                                                                 enthusiast.  Additionally,  “Honest Abe   Sources:  Ball  Mason Jars.  (2023).  How to
            Ohio Pottery Zanesville                                              Lincoln” was in company for two of the   Can : A beginner’s  Guide  to Canning  Food.
                                                                                 morning outings on Saturday.
                                                                                     Look for this event next year in July.
                          Waltz Family Owned Since 1951                            Go to for information   and-preserving-101.html
                                                                                 on upcoming events like this one.
              Veteran                Largest Selection of USA                        The  Lorena  Sternwheeler’s season   Virginia Cooperative Extension. (2022,
                                                                                                                      May  6). Boiling Water Bath  Canning.
               Owned                   Made Planters in Ohio!                    continues  until  October  12  so  there  is   VCE  Publications.  https://www.pubs.
                                                                                 still  plenty  of  time  to  catch  a  ride.  For
                                                                                 more information including a schedule
                                                                                 please go to   html#:~:text=Boiling%20water%20bath%20
                                         Plus bird baths, outdoor plaques,                                            canning%20can,information%20for%20cor-
                                      hen & chick pots, crocks, hanging bird                                          rect%20processing%20times.
                                     feeders, hundreds of flower pots, statuary
                                      including angels, dogs, military, rabbits
                                                   and more!
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