Page 5 - Dresden Buzz 07-26-24
P. 5

JULY 26 - AUGUST 8, 2024                                                                                                  LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 5
         Budweiser Clydesdales visit Muskingum County                                                                  by Lynette Dotson

                                                                                     The beloved Budweiser Clydesdales  age can purchase Budweiser in special-
                                                                                 have a very busy schedule making ap-  patriotic packaging at their favorite re-
                                                                                 pearances at various events throughout  tail  establishment until  Labor day and
                                                                                 the country this year as part of a celebra-  support Folds of Honor’s mission.
                                                                                 tion of their partnership Folds of Honor.      The Clydesdales  have been  a  part
                                                                                 One of the stops on their national tour  of Anheuser-Busch’s history for  over
                                                                                 included a multi-day stay, July 17 - 23 ,  90 years but most of us have only seen
                                                                                 at the Muskingum County Fairgrounds.  them in commercials.  A public viewing
                                                                                     Folds of Honor is a non-profit orga-  of the iconic horses allowed the commu-
                                                                                 nization that provides educational schol-  nity to take pictures, and see the beauty
                                                                                 arships  to  the  families  of  U.S.  service  and  size  of  the  world-renound  Clydes-
                                                                                 members and first responders who have  dales up close.
                                                                                 fallen  or  are  disabled.   The Anheuser-     Military and First Responder appre-
                                                                                 Busch company has worked with Folds  ciation  events took place  during  their
                                                                                 of Honor over the past 14 years making  time in Muskingum County and a parade
                                                                                 the partnership the longest-standing in  across the Y-Bridge took the Clydesdales
                                                                                 the companies history.  Over that time,  across one of Zanesville’s historic land-
                                                                                 Anheuser-Busch as a whole has donated  marks.
                                                                                 $28 million and have funded more than     For  more  information  about  the
                                                                                 5,000  scholarships  for  recipients  of  Budweiser Clydesdales  and  their part-
                                                                                 Folds of Honor educational funds.    nership with Folds of Honor visit
                                                                                     During the Clydesdales tour across
                                                                                 the nation, consumers of legal drinking

                                                                                 The Budweiser Clydesdales took turns get-  A Budweiser Clydesdale viewing area was
                                                                                 ting a bath near the stable. A member of the   setup at the Muskingum County
        One of several Budweiser Clydesdales that was available for a viewing at the Muskingum   staff leads a Clydesdale to the bathing area.    Fairgrounds.   Lynette Dotson
        County Fairgrounds.    Lynette Dotson
                                                                                    Lynette Dotson

        Zanesville Memorial Concert Band

        performs “Choreography” on July 28


        Zanesville Memorial Concert Band.    submitted

             The  Zanesville  Memorial  Concert  Secrest Auditorium.
        Band will conclude its 2024 season with     The  Zanesville Memorial Concert
        a concert titled “Choreography” on Sun-  Band is led by Artistic Director David Tur-
        day, July 28. p.m. “Choreography” high-  rill  and  Assistant Director Kelley Ryan.
        lights the  connection  between  music  This concert will  also  feature a guest
        and  movement and  will  feature danc-  conductor, John Climer, retired Director
        ers from Movement on Main Center for  of Bands at the University of Wisconsin-
        Dance. Music on the program includes  Milwaukee.  Choreography was written
        a medley from West Side Story, a tradi-  by  Peter  and  Lucy  Merz,  of  the  Move-
        tional waltz, a couple of dances by Brit-  ment on Main Center for Dance.
        ish composers, a tango, and a Spanish     The  Zanesville Memorial Concert
        two-step march. A Dixieland band, com-  provided  free outdoor  concerts each
        prised  of  musicians  in  the Memorial  summer  since  1923.  The Memorial
        Band,  will  be featured  on a Dixieland  Band is funded by the Eaton Drone and
        number  that  portrays  a  New  Orleans  John Hoge musical funds as well as gen-
        funeral procession. The concert will con-  erous  grants  from  the  Kathryn  B.  Geis
        clude  in  the  traditional  way,  with  John  Educational Trust and Muskingum Com-
        Philip Sousa’s Stars and Stripes Forever.  munity Foundation. In addition to grant
            This free concert is  at 7 p.m.  at  funding, numerous community partners,
        Zane’s Landing Park on July 28. Attend-  individual patrons, and local businesses
        ees should bring a lawn chair or a blan-  support the  activities of the  Zanesville
        ket down to the landing for the concert.  Memorial Concert Band.
        Rain location for the outside concerts is
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