Page 18 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
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PAGE 18 | OBITUARY/ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                          SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024
        Community volunteers                                                     Obituary: Raymond

        propose pickleball/tennis                                                “Ray” Back

        courts                                                                                                        tament to his dedication and love for his
            About  a  year  ago  sparks of inter- or you can  scan                                  Ray was a longtime member of
        est about turning the old retired tennis   the QR code below to get started.  Print-                          the Community Bible Church and found
        courts  near  the  Tri-Valley High School   ed forms are also available at the Ware-                          great joy in singing hymns for all to en-
        into revitalized tennis  and  pickleball   house Restaurant  in  Dresden.  Please                             joy. We find comfort knowing he is now
        courts  emerged from an online discus-  complete  the  survey on or before Sep-                               singing  with the  angels  and  rejoicing
        sion.    A group of volunteers are spear-  tember 30.                                                         with Jesus.
        heading the task of getting the project                                                                           Ray lived his life with a heart full of
        underway  and  are  looking  for  anyone                                                                      love and a spirit that uplifted everyone
        interested in either tennis or pickleball                                                                     around him. His signature saying, “Here
        to please fill out a brief survey which will                                                                  We Go, Rippin’ & Tearin’,” was his way of
        help to provide proof of community in-                                                                        embracing life with joy and enthusiasm.
        terest which is essential to moving the                                                                       As we say our final earthly goodbyes, we
        proposed project forward.                                                                                     hold onto the warmth and joy he brought
            You  can  fill  out  the  quick  interest                                                                 into our lives and we look forward to our
        survey online at                                                                                              heavenly reunion.
                                                                                                                          Ray is survived by his loving wife,
                                                                                     Raymond  “Ray” Back, 84, of        Cheryl Back; three daughters, Jodi Back,
        Gospel Sings Voluntary                                                   Frazeysburg, Ohio, passed away peace-  Kathy (Jody) Williams,  and  Susan  (Bri-
                                                                                 fully  on  Sunday, August 25,  2024, at
                                                                                                                      an) Sterling; five grandchildren, Sydney
                                                                                     Born on January 20, 1940, to Betty

        Sept. 6 First Baptist Church Dresden  water                              Genesis Hospital.                    (Kaden) Wortman, Jared Williams, Rylie
        Sept. 20 First Baptist Church Dresden                                    Goddard  and  Coleman  Victor Back in   Sterling  (Cooper Cass), Cade Sterling,
        Sept. 27 Trinway UMC                 conservation                        Mansfield, Ohio. Ray was a one-of-a-kind   and  Bailey Williams;  two great-grand-
                                                                                                                      children, Vila and Colson Wortman; and
        (5PM Wiener Roast, 7PM Music)        notice                              man—a  loving husband,  a strong dad,   several nieces and nephews.
                                                                                 a  superhero grandpa,  a  caring  great-
                                                                                                                          He was  preceded in  death by  his
        All Gospel Sings start at 7pm.                                           grandpa, and a friend to all who knew     parents,  Betty  Goddard  and  Coleman
        For questions call Mary Lee at          The villages  of  Dresden  and  New   him.                            Victor Back; and in-laws, Viola and Gil-
                                                                                     Ray was a devoted husband to Cher-
        740-624-3985                         Concord have requested that residents     yl  Back,  his  beloved  wife of  62 years.   bert “Bert” Hardesty.
                                             conserve their water usage until further   Their love  began  with letters he  wrote      Calling  hours were held  on  Thurs-
        Homecoming                           notice due to ongoing  drought condi-  from basic training and grew into a life-  day, August 29, 2024 from 2:00-4:00pm
                                                                                                                      and 6:00-8:00pm at Frazeysburg Chapel
                                                                                 long bond that was the heart of our fam-
                                                                                                                      of Vensil & Chute Funeral Home, 110 W.

                                                Refraining  from washing  cars, or
        2024                                 watering lawns are two of the ways resi-  ily.  Ray loved spending  time with   3rd Street.

                                                                                                                          A memorial  service lead  by Ray’s
                                             dents can help in the effort to conserve
                                             water.                              his  family,  especially  playing  Yahtzee   nephew, Rusty Hardesty and brother-in-
                                                                                 around the kitchen table. He was also a
            Plan  to attend  historic  Chalfant      Here are some other tips from epa.  dedicated fan at sporting events, always   law, Bud Hardesty, took place on Friday,
        Church’s  dinner  and  program  on  Sep-  gov that can be useful in general to save   supporting the  Tri-Valley Scotties  and   August 30, 2024 at Frazeysburg Chapel
        tember 8th.  A carry-in dinner starts at   on your water usage.          Johnstown Johnnies. Whether it was a   of Vensil & Chute Funeral Home begin-
        1:00 p.m. with the program beginning at      • Turn off the tap while shaving or   Friday night football game, a Saturday at   ning at 11:00 am.
        2:00 p.m. Pastor Donna Edsall of  Musk-        brushing teeth.           the softball field or a gymnastics meet,      In lieu of flowers, donations may be
        ingum  Church will  bring  the  message.        • Showers use less water than baths, as   Ray could be found with a Pepsi and pop-  made to the  Frazeysburg  Fire  Depart-
                                                  long as you keep an eye on how long
        Come and  enjoy a  time of  reminiscing        you’ve been lathering up.  corn in hand, cheering on his grandkids.   ment or the Community Bible Church.
        and Christian fellowship. The  church is      • Plug up the sink or use a wash   He  also  loved supporting Johnstown’s
        located five miles north of Dresden  on        basin if washing dishes by hand.  Big Red Band  and  enjoyed dancing  to
        County Road 439.                        • Use a dishwasher—and when you   the beat of the percussion section. Ray   Secret Santa
                                                  do, make sure it’s fully loaded!
                                                • Scrape your plate instead of   was always the first to celebrate after a
                                                  rinsing it before loading it into the   big win, and his home quickly became a   Challenge
                                                  dishwasher.                    favorite place for everyone to visit as he
                                                • Keep a pitcher of drinking water   was known as “Grandpa Ray” to many.
            ADVERTISE IN THE DRESDEN BUZZ.        in the refrigerator instead of letting      He also  cherished  his  mornings      Homeless Hands of Zanesville is col-
                    740-270-2408                  the faucet run until the water is cool.  spent at Bobby’s Diner and McDonald’s   lecting items and spare change to help
                                                • Thaw in the refrigerator overnight                                  local  schools  with their Secret Santa
                                                  rather than using a running tap of hot   with friends,  and he  looked forward  to   Shops  to  make them affordable  to  all
                                                  water.                         his winters in Florida, enjoying the sun-  children, regardless of economic status.
                                                • Add food wastes to your compost pile    shine and company of friends.
                                                  instead of using the garbage disposal.     A veteran of both the Marine Corps   Items  and  monetary donations  will  be
                                                • Wash only full loads of laundry or use    and  Army, Ray took great pride in  his   delivered to the schools November 20,
                                                  the appropriate water level or load    service and  was always ready to help   2024.  Any donations can be dropped off
                                                  size selection on the washing                                       at 522 Woodlawn Ave. at the front door.
                                                  machine.                       anyone in  need. After his military ser-  Monetary donations  can  be placed  in
                                                “It is our hope that the voluntary re-  vice,  he  continued  to  serve  as  a  first   the locked mailbox.  Call 740-617-7164
                                             strictions will be sufficient to get us all   responder, holding positions as a Dres-  for any questions.
                                             through  this  difficult  time.  Thank  you   den  Police  Officer,  an  auxiliary  Licking
                                             in advance for your understanding and   County Sheriff and a volunteer Frazeys-
                                             support in this attempt to preserve the   burg Firefighter. One of his proudest mo-  PUT YOUR COMMUNITY
                                             village  water supply,” stated Dresden   ments was being named Grand Marshal   ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE BUZZ.
                                             Mayor Greg Morrison.                of the Frazeysburg Homecoming, a tes-    EMAIL: INFO@DRESDENBUZZ.COM.

            Bible-based character            Community                           Alice in wonder land
           education during school            Sale                                By Alice Stratman Smith

           hours (specials or lunch).
                                                                                 Here are some more comments that Lin-     • Follow Jesus!!
                                                The  Dresden American  Legion will   da Purtee (died 2013) wrote in her bible.       • ‘Once upon a time’ never comes
                                               be having their annual Community Sale   Her husband Sam (died 2023) gave me        again.
                                             Saturday, September 14th, starting  at   permission to copy these from her bible.       • Anger is merely the excuse to
                                             9AM at the legion hall in Dresden.  The   They are from a precious friend who is        control others and make them
                                             famous “gravy burgers” will be sold for   gone from this earth but not forgotten:       conform to what they want.
                                             lunch.  Spots are still available for $10.       • Have you had joy in your life?       • We need no final authority among
                                             Anyone wishing to reserve a spot contact      • Have you brought joy to others in         us; we need only unity.
                                             Cathy Clark at 614-657-5254.  Please        your life?                       • Everything in my life now lived
                                             join us to see what treasure you might      • When a child is born, so is a         seems like an imagination, or an
                                             find.                                     grandma!                             old dream I have dreamed in my
                                                                                     • We are here for awhile; get all the        sleep.
                                                                                       good laughs you can.               • He said, “Will you love me the rest
                                                                                     • Love is all we have; the only way         of my life?”  She said, “no, I’ll love
                                                                                       we can help others.                  you the rest of my life.”
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