Page 15 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
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SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024                                                                                                         EVENTS  | PAGE 15


        SQUARE DANCING                       FOREVER DADS FAMILY &                CORE & MORE                         THE ULTIMATE TRIBUTE TO
           September 7                       FRIENDS BBQ-RETIREMENT                 September 9                       THE BEE GEES
           Meigs School House                CELEBRATION                            Muskingum University Chess Center    September 13
        (3510 Big Muskie Dr., Chandlersville)   September 8                       (10 College Dr, New Concord)          Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall
           7 - 10PM                            McDonald’s Greenhouse                5:30PM - 6:30PM                   (334 Shinnick Street, Zanesville)
        The Muskingum County Junior Leaders present   & Corn Maze                 Strengthen your Core (and more!) with fitness    7:30 PM
        Square Dancing featuring the Pleasant Valley   (3220 Adamsville Rd, Zanesville)   enthusiast, Gretchen Combs! She’ll help you tone   One night only: The Ultimate Tribute To The Bee
        Boys Caller: Bob Pletcher.  Cake walks, 50/50                             your abs, glutes, thighs, arms, and more! Earn   Gees.
        raffle, and concessions provided by Meigs Jr Pio-   4:30PM - 7:30PM       your Root Chakra lava bracelet! Cost: $8 / single   gees-one-night-only-secrest-913
        neers.  $5 per person.  No alcohol permitted.  Not   “The ForeverDads Board of Directors invites you   class or register and prepay for sessions for a
        a drop off event.                    to join us as we celebrate the retirement of Burl   more economical plan! More information and to   ANNUAL CARR CENTER
                                             Lemon after almost 20 years of service. This   register:
                                             invitation is to ALL past participants, volunteers,   core-more/2024-09-09/    GOLF OUTING
        RIVER CLEANUP                        vendors, sponsors, donors, former board mem-                                September 13
           September 7                       bers, employees and their families. Share with                             Zanesville Jaycees Public Golf Course
           Dillon Falls to Putnam Landing      the present board members and staff in a casual   GOOD OLE GOSPEL      (2710 Jackson Road  Zanesville)
           Cleanup Begins 8:30AM             family style BBQ. Enjoy Pulled Pork, Grilled Hot   MUSIC NIGHT              Check In: 9:30 AM - Shotgun Start: 10:30
        (Rain or Shine)                      Dogs, Mac n Cheese, Cole Slaw, Chips, Iced Tea,    September 12
        Join Pea Ohana Watersports & our partners for   Lemonade and water. Be treated with Cookies &    Muskingum County Center for Seniors  AM  Proceeds  benefit  our  programs.  Format:
        the (fall reschedule of the) 2024 River Clean-Up!   Cupcakes, plus ice cream from Tom’s Ice Cream   (160 N. 4th Street, Zanesville)   4-person scramble. Games: Cash prizes, Contests,
        Flow down the Muskingum & Licking Rivers in   Bowl (provided by board president Jason Newton).    6PM (Doors open at 5PM)   Skill Prizes, Skins Game $20/Team 50/50 Draw-
        a kayak, underwater as a certified diver, or stay   Come & Go, but PLEASE RSVP so we can plan our   Join us for an uplifting evening of gospel music   ing.  Registration  deadline  -  September 6, 2024.
        shore-bound in your cleanup efforts to beatify   food. Catering by David Morrow – Morrow Wood   at the Center! Mark and Cindy Maynard will be   For more information:
        your local waterway. Food & Drink provided to all   Farms. If you cannot attend, but would like to   performing, so come early to grab a good seat!
        following the clean-up thanks to our generous   send a card: Burl Lemon, 1255 Bam Lane, Zanes-  Admission is just $2
        sponsors! More information: https://www.peao-  ville, OH 43701. If you have any questions, please             AMROU GROTTO & SOUTH
                                             contact Candy Erwine, Executive Assistant, For-                everDads (740) 453-1323 x 107 or email: candy.  CONCERT AT THE MUSEUM:   ZANESVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT
                                    “             IAN JONES STRING QUARTET            MEAT RAFFLE
        DRESDEN ANTIQUE                                                             September 12                         September 14
        VEHICLE DRIVE                        MORNING YOGA                           Zanesville Museum of Art            Prophets Park
           September 8                          September 9                       (620 Military Road Zanesville)      (2560 Old River Road, Zanesville)
           Dresden River Park                  United Methodist Church              6PM - 7PM                            Doors open at 6PM, Raffle starts at 7PM
           Meet at 1:00pm                    (20 East High Street, New Concord)   Join us for the first show in this year’s Concert   How it works: Pay $5  admission,  this includes
        Anyone with a street-legal, antique vehicle (car,    9:15AM - 10:00AM     at the Museum series.  For more details and/or   snacks and pop. Buy $2 or $3 tickets, tickets have
        truck, motorcycle, rat rod, etc.) is welcome to   Start your morning off right as certified yoga   information call: 740-452-0741 or   two numbers, you get three  chances to win  per
        drive with the group. If it’s old, bring it! We’ll meet   instructor, Amy Kiraly, gets you energized for your   visit   ticket. The final ticket is $5, you choose your prize,
        at Dresden River Park around 1:00pm. Around   day! Earn your Crown Chakra lava bracelet! $8 /                 this ticket plays until all meat has been won.There
        2:00pm, we’ll form a line and then hit the streets.  class OR for more a more economical purchase,            will also be side raffles. Bring a cooler for your win-
                                                                                                                      nings. For more information contact: Russell Taylor
                                             register and pre-pay for our sessions! For more                          740-252-8325 or Tim Adams 740-252-2262.
                                             information and to register:



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           Puzzles for our younger Buzz readers.
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