Page 17 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
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SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024                                                                                                         EVENTS   | PAGE 17


         DRESDEN AMERICAN LEGION             WALL PILATES                        MYSTIC MARKET AT THE                 by Kestrel Warbird Adventures.-Open cockpit
         COMMUNITY SALE                         September 18                     MANSION                              airplane rides by Goodfolk and O’Tyme biplane
           September 14                        United Methodist Church              September 21                      rides (up to 4 passengers per ride!)-Helicopter
                                                                                                                      rides by Havens Aviation (also up to 4 passengers)
           Dresden American Legion           (20 East High Street, New Concord)     Historic Prospect Place           are available at the event. Pancake, sausage,
           9AM                                  5PM - 6PM                        (12160 Main Street, Trinway)         eggs breakfast with donuts and coffee available.
         The Dresden American Legion will be having their   Looking for something new? Strengthen your    10AM - 5PM   Burgers and hotdogs with sides and deserts avail-
         annual Community Sale Saturday, September   core, increase flexibility and posture, and tone   Mystic, spiritual, paranormal market and gather-  able for lunch. The Schubach Big Band will be
         14th, starting at 9AM at the legion hall in Dres-  your muscles gently with this 5-week session of   ing. Rain or shine. Details at: www.gwacenter.  back and playing 40s and 50s hits from 2-4pm,
         den.  The famous “gravy burgers” will be sold for   wall Pilates led by experienced fitness instruc-  org    and the Dancing Divas will perform at 1pm. Fresh
         lunch.  Spots are still available for $10.  Anyone   tor, Gretchen Combs. This is a low-impact class         ice cream will be churned onsite, as well as face
         wishing to reserve a spot contact Cathy Clark at   running Wednesday evenings at 5:00 PM at the   ZANESVILLE CITY 1/2 MARATHON  painting and activities for kids.
         614-657-5254.  Please join us to see what trea-  United Methodist Church. Bring a mat! Cost: $8
         sure you might find.                / class or join our more economical 5-week ses-   September 28           KNOW YOUR BALLOT,
                                             sion! When: 5-week session meets Sept. 18, 25,    Secrest Auditorium Parking Lot   PLAN YOUR VOTE
         TV DAWGS SOCCER PRESENTS            Oct. 2, 9, 16 $30 ($40 value!). Information and to   (334 Shinnick Street, Zanesville)    September 28
         A NIGHT AT THE RACES                register:     Start time: 7:30AM                  John McIntire Library
           September 14                      wall-pilates-2/2024-09-18/          Join us September 28th for the 5th annual Zanes-  (220 N. Fifth Street)
           Lindsey’s Banquet Barn            CARTIME PRESENTS FOURTH             ville City Half Marathon! Along with the historic    1PM
                                                                                 scenery and great hospitality that participants will
         (4060 New Riley Road, Dresden)      ANNUAL DRESDEN TRUCK AND            experience out on the course All Half Marathon   A candidates’ forum will be held in the lower-level
           6 - 10:30PM                       MOTORCYCLE SHOW                     participants will also receive a Custom Finishers   auditorium of the John McIntire Library. Doors will
         Ten races throughout the evening.  Dinner served    September 21        Medal, Premium Race Tee, plenty of post-race   open at noon and the program will begin at 1:00
         by Randy’s BBQ.  Bar available for purchase of                          recovery snacks and beverages, and memories   p.m.  A presentation from the Secretary of State’s
         drinks.  50/50 Raffle, mini games, silent auction.   Old Mill           that will last forever. Info and runner sign-up:   office will cover voting security and procedures.
         Single tickets are $35 and couples are $50.    (3685 Cass Irish Ridge Road, Dresden)  Also, the candidates running for State Represen-
         Tickets can be purchased from any TVMS or TVHS    10AM - 12PM (Noon)    ZanesvilleCityHalfMarathon           tative, County Commissioner, and Congressional
         soccer player. Corporate table sponsor $500   Dash plaques first 100. Food venders, 50/50                    representative are invited to share their plans if
         (includes 8 tickets).  Contact Chloe to reserve a   drawing, Door prizes. Swap meet. Top 10 trophies   ANNUAL FLY-IN AND   elected and take questions.  The state issue will
         table (740) 704-6973.               for trucks.All vehicles welcome, military, 4x4,   CRUISE-IN              also be discussed.
                                             semi, pickups, rat rods, bikes, cars. More informa-   September 28
         3RD ANNUAL FARM TO                  tion call Leroy Phillips 330-663-1192, Keith An-   Zanesville Municipal Airport   KILLING TREE WINE RUN 5K
         TABLE DINNER                        thony 330-407-4027 or Seth Little 740-252-1606.    (850 Airport Rd, Zanesville)    September 29
           September 15                                                                                                 Killing Tree Winery
                                                                                    8AM - 4PM
           In front of The Old Market House Inn  RENNER CHARACTER RUN 5K         Back for the 24th year, EAA Vintage Chapter 22   (16688 CR 4 Dresden)
         (424 Market Street Zanesville)         September 21                     will host their annual Fly-In, Drive-In, and Car    9:00 AM
           4PM - 7PM                           Ohio University Collegial Woods Trail  Show. FOOD, FRIENDS, AND FUN for all ages!   Whether you are looking to run, walk or just enjoy
         Enjoy a five course dinner incorporating locally   (1425 Newark Rd., Zanesville)  his year we will feature several ride options:-  the wine this race is a sure thing for a great time
         sourced ingredients, prepared by chefs Taylor and    9:00 AM            WARBIRD (optional aerobatic) rides in a T6 Texan   and an incredible experience! This race is timed
         Nick along with their team of sous chefs. Ronnie   Dress up as your favorite character or just be a          and scored by J3 Timing. Results will be posted at
         with The Old Market House Inn will also be serv-  character while helping support the Renner com-  
         ing up signature drinks throughout the evening!
         Here is the link to purchase your tickets:   munity theater! Runner signup:   Schedule is subject to change.  The Dresden Buzz tries to provide up-to-date event listings and information for area        events however, some events may end up being canceled, rescheduled, etc. between the time we compile them for
         bTD9dQAL/16806                                                          print and the time the event occurs.  It is always a good idea to double check event times and details before attending.

                 A BUZZ FUNNY
                 by Logan Dotson

             I told a Bad Chemistry

                              Joke Once.

                                                                             Follow Logan on Facebook @artworkbylogandotson

                   I did not get much

                          of a reaction.
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