Page 3 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
P. 3

SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024                                                                                                    LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 3
        MOBO Med Spa celebrates                                                  Second annual New Concord

        opening with ribbon cutting                                              Community Day engages

        event            by Lynette Dotson                                       residents  by Lynette Dotson

                                                                                 Community Day attendees gather near the municipal building and entrance to the park where some of
                                                                                 the food trucks were set up.   Lynette Dotson
                                                                                     The  second annual  New Concord  not stop throughout the day.  A party in
        Mobo Med Spa staff Hannah Cameron, Kylie Wells (owner), and Lindsay Lasure.   Matthew Dotson   Community  Day, held on  August  31  the park with a beer garden and live mu-
                                                                                 and  hosted by Friends  of New Con-  sic kept attendees entertained until the
            A Zanesville-Muskingum County    and it just got to the point where we were   cord  (FONC),   was  a  spectacular  fol-  event came to a close at 10 p.m.
        Chamber  of Commerce led ribbon cut-  spinning our wheels trying to service the   low-up  to last  year’s  inaugural  event.
        ting event was held on Friday, August 30   entire county -- so it got to a point where      There was a noticeable increase in
        for MOBO Med Spa (Muskingum Valley)  we added staff we were adding services   vendors and a massive amount of games
        to celebrate their new location at 2501   and we were just ready for a home, and   and  activities including  corn  hole, axe
        Maple Avenue, Zanesville.            it just made sense so this is the  next   throwing, and a rock climbing wall just
            MOBO  Med Spa  has been in  busi-  step, explained Wells, “We’ve got some   to name a couple of improvements that
        ness for several years as a mobile spa   new technology coming  we purchased   were made this year.  A myriad of food
        providing services throughout the area.    some lasers we’re bringing and estheti-  vendors were also on site including Chick-
        Now with a brick-and-mortar location,   cian on board we’ve got a girl here that’s   fil-A, where a portion of the sales sup-
        the business  will  be able  to enhance   renting some space to do massage.”  ported John Glenn High School Soccer.
        their client’s experience.              For a full list of services, more infor-     It  all  started  with  the Muskie  Fun
            “We’ve got  a  Full-Service med spa   mation and to schedule an appointment   Run at 9 a.m. and from there the fun did      Lynette Dotson
        now  so  we’re  excited  to  finally  have  a   visit them  online  at mobozanesville.
        home, said Kylie Wells, Owner and Ad-  com.  You  can  also  follow MOBO  Med
        vanced Practice Provider.            Spa on Facebook at
            “I’m local so the majority of our pa-
        tients are  here in  Muskingum  County

        Portion of highway State Route 60
        dedicated to Sgt. Bradley Harper

        Family members of Sgt. Bradley Harper stand by the newly revealed highway sign.    Matthew Dotson

        versity earning his Bachelors Degree in  ployed to Iraq on March 13, 2005.
        Criminal Justice. Sgt. Harper enlisted in     Sgt. Harper’s legacy has continued
        the  US Marine  Corps Reserves on July  through the Harper Classic 8K Run - 5K
        27, 1998. After completing his training  Run/Walk held annually in the spring in
        on April 9, 1999, he served in several ca-  Dresden.  Funds raised  from the  event
        pacities including working as a ground  have been donated to various charities
        radio repairman to H&S Co (3rd Bn, 25th  and organizations throughout the years
        Marines, 4th Marine Div Brookpark, OH),  that serve the communities  that Brad
        then moving to the 4th Assault Amphib-  cared  about.   Additionally, the    Brad
        ian Bn (Norfolk, VA), he graduated from  Harper  Memorial  Scholarship  which is
        the Virginia Beach, VA Police Academy  part of  the Tri-Valley Endowment fund
        and was Sergeant of Arms of his gradu-  was set up  to help students who are
        ating class. He served in the Oceanfront  interested in  pursuing  a  career in  law
        2nd precinct in Virginia Beach, and on  enforcement continue  their  educa-
        January 4, 2005, was activated and de-  tion.
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