Page 4 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
P. 4

PAGE 4 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                      SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024
        Tri-Valley Art Department                                                Know Your Ballot, Plan Your

        restores iconic Jefferson                                                Vote!           Submitted

        Jayhawk State                                                                On  Saturday, September 28,  the  their  plans  if  elected and  take audi-

        Championship sign                                                        Muskingum County Library in downtown  ence questions. In addition, representa-
                                                                                 Zanesville (220 N. Fifth Street) will host  tives are invited to explain the positions
                                                                                 a  candidates’ forum  in  the lower-level  of both sides of the state issue that, if
        by Paul Lacey                                                            auditorium. Doors will open at noon for  passed,  would change the  way Ohio
                                                                                 the public to have a chance to view lit-  draws voting districts.
                                                                                 erature tables with information from the     Know Your Ballot, Plan Your Vote is
                                                                                 candidates, issues, and both parties as  also  sponsored  by  the Zanesville  Busi-
                                                                                 well as information about voting proce-  ness and  Professional  Women’s  Club
                                                                                 dures.                               and the Muskingum County Social Jus-
                                                                                     The program will start at 1:00 with  tice Coalition. It is a non-partisan event
                                                                                 a  presentation from the  Secretary of  organized with the goal of providing in-
                                                                                 State’s office on voting security and pro-  formation  to voters as early  voting  be-
                                                                                 cedures we need to know to make sure  gins for this important 2024  election.
                                                                                 our vote is counted. Candidates running  Come prepared to ask questions!! If you
                                                                                 for the offices of County Commissioner,  have questions, call Stephanie Bridwell
                                                                                 State  Representative, and  Congressio-  at 740-624-2787 or email
                                                                                 nal Representative are invited to share

                                                                                 FAO awards nearly $659,000

                                                                                 in donor-established

                                                                                 scholarships to students

                                                                                 across Appalachian Ohio

                                                                                 Muskingum County student among 2024
                                                                                 scholarship recipients
        Restored Jefferson Jayhawk State Championship sign located at the 9th Street Park in Dresden.  Submitted
           Lynette Dotson
                                                                                     The   Foundation   for  Appala-  competitive application process.
            Kudos to the Tri-Valley High School  art students Rylan Daniels and Destiny   chian  Ohio  (FAO) has  awarded  nearly     To  date this  year,  FAO  has  award-
        Art Department instructor, students and   Vaughn.  The Art Department repainted   $659,000 in donor-established postsec-  ed nearly  600  postsecondary scholar-
        maintenance crew who recently offered  and  restored  the sign  and  the mainte-  ondary scholarships to students across  ships to 332 students across 26 coun-
        their time and talents to restore the Jef-  nance crew of Mark Nichols, Kevin Hin-  Appalachian  Ohio,  including  a  student  ties thanks to gifts from residents and
        ferson Jayhawk State  Championship  del and  Jason  Brock handled  moving   from Muskingum County.            friends of Appalachian Ohio who recog-
        sign located in Dresden’s small central  and replacing the park sign.        Bethany Holmes, a Zanesville High  nize the role education plays in ensuring
        park on Main & 9th Streets.             Some  former Jayhawk players,    School  graduate, received the  Ora  E.  the region’s  people  and  communities
            On  behalf  of  Dresden  Mayor  Greg  cheerleaders, managers, and fans,  in-  Anderson  Scholarship,  established  to  can flourish. The full list of 2024 schol-
        Morrison,   PJ  Longstreth coordinated  cluding  John  Larson,  made a  donation   honor Ora Eaton Anderson and support  arship recipients is available at www.Ap-
        the  effort  with Tri-Valley’s administra-  of appreciation to the Art Department.     students who  plan  to pursue postsec-
        tion, maintenance crew and the Art De-     A huge Thank You to all involved!   ondary studies in natural sciences and     For information on how you can sup-
        partment’s teacher Cindy  Mihalis,  who                                  demonstrate an overall commitment to  port educational opportunities and help
        did  much of  the art work in  her spare                                 environmental protection and conserva-  students  in  Appalachian  Ohio  pursue
        time along with the able assistance of
                                                                                 tion.                                their  dreams,  visit www.AppalachianO-
                                                                                     FAO partners with donors and an ad-,  email or call
        MCLS book sale a huge                                                    visory committee of volunteers to award  740.753.1111.
                                                                                 scholarships to students across the 32
                                                                                 counties of Appalachian Ohio through a
        success                by Lynette Dotson

              The Friends  of  the Muskingum  that inventory.  The  sale helped clear   30th Frazeysburg Lion’s Club
        County Library held their final book sale  a good portion of the discarded books
        until after the John McIntire Library ren-  that were being stored in the library and   Car Show attracted massive
        ovations are complete. The sale was on  also helped raise some money to help
        August 24.                           fund the remodel.                    turnout
            According to the library, volunteers     Visit to stay               by Lynette Dotson
        stocked nearly 10,000  books for  The  up-to-date on the remodel project.
        Two Buck a Bag Sale and sold most of

            Ohio Pottery Zanesville

                          Waltz Family Owned Since 1951
              Veteran                Largest Selection of USA
               Owned                   Made Planters in Ohio!

                                        Plus bird baths, outdoor plaques,           Lynette Dotson
                                      hen & chick pots, crocks, hanging bird         A huge variety of vehicles surround-  some new ones including an impressive
                                    feeders, hundreds of flower pots, statuary    ed the Township Hall during the annual  plumb  crazy Dodge Charger Hell Cat
                                     including angels, dogs, military, rabbits    Frazeysburg  Car  Show.  The  show has  complete with sound  effects.  Trucks,
                                                                                  been an annual Labor Day tradition for  motorcycles,  newer models, and  so
                                                   and more!                      30 years!                           much more could be admired by all who
                                                                                     There  was so much variety in  the   attended.
                                       RETAIL • WHOLESALE                         types of vehicles that participants drove     The  event is a fundraiser  for  the
                                                                                  onto the  event grounds  including  a  Frazeysburg  Lion’s  Club  and  a  beloved
                                         1905 W Main St, Zanesville               Maserati  Gran  Turismo,  dune buggies  community event signifying the  end of
                                                  740-408-2624                    a Honda Acty, classic muscle cars, and  summer.
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