Page 5 - Dresden Buzz 09-06-24
P. 5

SEPTEMBER 6 - 19, 2024                                                                                                    LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 5
        Riverfest draws attention

        to recreational activities on

        Muskingum River in inaugural

        event          by Lynette Dotson

        Paddle boarders take part in Surf Muskingum led by Pea Ohana Watersports.   Lynette Dotson
            The Muskingum Valley Park District     The low water level caused a couple
        in conjunction with the City of Zanesville  of activities to be canceled but, that did
        hosted the first ever Zanesville - Musk-  not dampen everyone’s excitement sur-
        ingum County Riverfest along the Musk-  rounding the event.
        ingum River utilizing the Zane’s Landing     On Saturday, Bird TV and KLB & Co
        Park, Riverside Park, and Putnam Land-  performed at Zane’s Landing Park, and
        ing Park.                            on Sunday a wrestling show, and glow
                                                                                                         Shop Our Selection
            The  two-day free-to-attend  event  dance party engaged audiences.                           Shop Our Selection
        held Labor Day weekend boasted a full     Plans  are  already  being  made  for
        schedule of activities, entertainment,  next year’s Riverfest!
                                                                                                        of Fall and Halloween
        food, and games!                        For  more  information  about  The                      of Fall and Halloween
            Pea Ohana  Watersports  organized  Muskingum  Valley Park District visit
                                                                                                          Baskets and Decor!
        several activities on the water such as                                      Baskets and Decor!
        try-its for paddle boarding and kayaking,
        plus even an opportunity to Surf Zanes-
        McCarthy named Head

        Coach for Muskingum

        Women’s Basketball


                                             within our current roster and around our
                                             campus community. We are excited to
                                             watch  her  lead  our  young  women  into
                                             the future!”
                                                Before her tenure at Rose Hulman,
                                             McCarthy honed  her coaching  skills
                                             for an impressive 19 years at the high
                                             school level. Her journey began in 1999
                                             as  the head  girls’  basketball  coach  at
                                             Holmes High School in Kentucky. McCar-
                                             thy’s leadership was also felt at Simon
                                             Kenton  High School  (Ky.), Beechwood
            The  Muskingum  University Athletic
        Department has named  Alison  McCar-  High School  (Ky.), and  Woodward  High
                                             School (Ohio), where she served as head
        thy as head coach of the women’s bas-
        ketball program.                     girls’  basketball  coach. Furthermore,
                                             McCarthy  expanded  her coaching  rep-
            McCarthy  brings  a  wealth of  bas-
        ketball experience to Muskingum. Most   ertoire  as Woodward’s  assistant  boys’
                                             basketball coach.
        recently,  she was  an  assistant  coach
                                                “I would like to thank President Dr.
        for  the Rose Hulman  women’s  basket-    Sue Hasseler, Director of Athletics Kari
        ball  team and was honored  with the
        WeCOACH Impact Award. This award is   Winters, and the search committee for
                                             the opportunity to lead  the women’s
        given to a class member who leads by
        example,  is committed to encouraging   basketball program at Muskingum Uni-
                                             versity,” said  McCarthy.  “I am  excited
        others’  success,  and  is  unwaveringly
        dedicated to her own personal and pro-  about working at an institution rich with
                                             academic and athletic tradition. It is a
        fessional  achievement.  This past sea-
        son, McCarthy helped lead the Fightin’   privilege to be able to teach life lessons,
                                             through the game of basketball, that ex-
        Engineers to a  12-win  campaign  and
        Heartland  Collegiate Athletic Confer-  tends far beyond the court. I look forward
                                             to cultivating a positive and supportive
        ence Tournament appearance.
            “Alison quickly rose to the top of this   environment for our student-athletes to
                                             thrive and reach their full potential. Go
        national search based on her past expe-
        riences in the coaching profession, both   Muskies!”

                                                McCarthy’s love for basketball was
        on the women’s and men’s side of the
        game, said Muskingum Director of Ath-  not only evident in her coaching but also
                                             in  her playing  days at  Northern  Ken-
        letics Kari  Winters. “As we got deeper
        into the search process and spent more   tucky  University. Her dedication to the
                                             sport was recognized when she was in-
        time with Coach McCarthy, we realized
        that her values were  in  line with our   ducted into the Holmes High School Hall
                                             of Fame in 2017 and the Northern Ken-
        department culture  and  that she was                                            Smore Baskets: 405 Main Street, Dresden  | 302-373-0086
        extremely  passionate  about  the  game   tucky Sports Hall of Fame in 2019.           Smore Christmas: 508 Main Street, Dresden
                                                McCarthy earned her bachelor’s de-

        of basketball.  I am looking  forward
        to watching  her develop relationships   gree in  health and  physical  education 
                                             from Northern Kentucky.
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