Page 10 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
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PAGE 10 | HOLIDAY GUIDE                                                                                        NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 12, 2024
        Dresden’s year-round Christmas store, Smore                                                                   ‘Tis the season

        Christmas, should make your list of must-shop                                                                 of giving

        stores this season                          by Lynette Dotson
                                                                                                                        Every year countless  Muskingum
                                                                                                                      County organizations are hosting drives-
                                                                                                                      for  necessities for  local  families.  Dur-
                                                                                                                      ing  the Christmas  season  as  the cold-
                                                                                                                      est months draw  nearer  and  the need
                                                                                                                      increases  these  efforts  also  intensify.
                                                                                                                      Below  are  just  some of  the opportuni-
                                                                                                                      ties available to help provide for those in

                                                                                                                      WINTER COATS
                                                                                                                      Homeless Hands of Zanesville is in des-
                                                                                                                      perate need of heavy  winter coats! Our
                                                                                                                      folks are cold out there! We have spring
                                                                                                                      and  fall jackets, but  we need warmer
                                                                                                                      winter coats. If you have any to donate,
                                                                                                                      please drop them off at the front door of
                                                                                                                      522 Woodlawn Ave, Zanesville anytime.

                                                                                                                      ITEMS FOR SENIORS
                                                                                                                        The holiday season is upon us, and we
                                                                                                                      at the Muskingum County Center for Se-
                                                                                                                      niors, in partnership with Catholic Social
                                                                                                                      Services, invite you to join us in spread-
                                                                                                                      ing Christmas cheer through our Bags of
                                                                                                                      Love program.
                                                                                                                        This initiative aims to provide seniors
                                                                                                                      in our community with thoughtful bags
                                                                                                                      filled  with  items  to  brighten  their  holi-
                                                                                                                      day season. We have a list of suggested
                                                                                                                      items, including  Chapstick, blankets,
                                                                                                                      and more. You are also welcome to add
                                                                                                                      other items that you feel would bring joy
                                                                                                                      and comfort to a senior in need.
                                                                                                                        We ask that all bags be picked up at
                                                                                                                      the Center for Seniors from 8:00 am to
        The Grinch is up to no good once again.  He is stealing the Christmas lights from Smore Christmas.  Luckily there is much more Christmas cheer inside and   4:00 pm Monday through Friday and re-
        out of reach of Mr. Grinch.    Lynette Dotson
                                                                                                                      turned to the Center by December 9 at
          If you are headed to Dresden for the    Visit  the sister  store,  Smore Baskets                            4:00  pm. Please  note  that we  request
        Christmas  Parade  on  December  7 at  for even more Bath  and  Body Works                                    no  rugs,  candles,  or  homemade food
        5:30  p.m., then you  may want to plan  scents, other  seasonal  decorations,                                 items as donations.
        to come a bit earlier and check out the  home decor, baskets and so many other                                  If you have any questions, please call
        local boutiques and shops in Dresden in-  items.                                                              (740)454-9761, ext. 116.
        cluding the year-round Christmas store,    While you’re  here for  a  visit be sure
        Smore Christmas.                     to explore the Winter Wonderland along                                   TOYS
          You  can  expect  to  find  everything  the side of the shop and take pictures                                Pine  Creek  Valley Farm  Foundation
        needed to add  some extra Christmas  with the lit holiday decorations.  Winter                                will be collecting (New unwrapped) toys
        cheer to your home including Christmas  Wonderland is only open on weekends.                                  for our Toy Drive and Monetary donations
        decor, stockings, ornaments, candles,    You can also see that the mischievous                                to buy more toys and coloring books to
        Longaberger  Christmas items, and  so  Grinch is trying to steal the twinkle lights                           distribute to  Foster  Families,  Pediatric
        much ‘smore’! With the selection being  from Smore Christmas. He can be found                                 Units, and other kids in our community
        updated frequently you are sure to find  on the  porch of the  neighboring shop,                              of need. The  Downtown  Exchange will
        something new even if you have been in  Dresden’s Baskets and More.                                           also be passing out coloring books and
        before.                                Smore Christmas  is  located at 508                                    candy canes throughout the day!
          Besides  shopping  for items  to deco-  Main Street in Dresden. They are open                                 Stop  by the  Downtown  Exchange  on
        rate your home, will also want to browse  Monday through Saturday 10  am to                                   Saturday, December 7th,  from 1–5pm
        the  gift giving  items Smore Christmas  5 pm and Sunday noon to 5. The shop                                  for an afternoon filled with joy and giv-
        has in  stock. Festive  Bath  and  Body  can  be reached at 740-565-4108. You                                 ing.
        Works fragrances, Jim Shore, and Boyd’s  can find more information at facebook.
        Bears just to name a few.            com/SmoreBaskets.

                                                Celebrate the holidays with beautifully
                                                handwoven  baskets  made  in  Ohio,
                                                adding in  stylishly curated home
                                                accessories, delicious gourmet foods,
                                                and unforgettable gifts that will create
                                                memories for a lifetime.

                                                           VISIT US:
            Weaving Holiday Memories!               416 Main Street, Dresden, OH 43821
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