Page 14 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
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PAGE 14 | HOLIDAY GUIDE                                                                                        NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 12, 2024

                                                                                 ADVENT TEA                           TRI-VALLEY CHRISTMAS JUBILEE
                                                                                                                         December 4
                                                                                    December 1                          Tri-Valley High School
                                                                                    Coburn Methodist Church
        Holiday                                                                  (3618 Maple Ave., Zanesville)        Come with the family and meet Santa, eat some
                                                                                                                         5PM - 7:30PM
                                                                                    2:30 - 3:30PM
                                                                                                                      cookies, complete some art, enjoy a petting zoo,
                                                                                 The public is invited to the Advent Tea held at the
                                                                                                                      and more! Suggested donations: canned goods
                                                                                 Coburn Methodist Church Dec 1st  from 2:30 till
                                                                                                                      or unopened toys.  100% Of canned goods will be
                                                                                 3;30pm in Zanesville. The entertainment will be
                                                                                 the John Glenn High School String Sounds.
                                                                                                                      Children’s Services.
                                                                                 Come and welcome in the Holiday Season!  donated to AIM Outreach and all toys will go to

                                                                                 HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE AT JOHN &         NATIONAL ROAD AND ZANE
                                                                                 ANNIE GLENN MUSEUM                   GREY MUSEUM SOUNDS OF
                                                                                                                      THE SEASON
                                                                                    December 2
        Events                                                                   (New Concord)                          National Road and Zane Grey Museum
                                                                                                                         December 5
                                                                                    John & Annie Glenn Museum
                                                                                                                         6 - 8PM
                                                                                    5:30 - 7:30PM
                                                                                 30-MINUTE MINI MUSIC MAKERS -
                                                                                                                         December 5
                                                                                 MUSIC OF THE HOLIDAYS                SEOSO CHRISTMAS CONCERT
                                                                                    December 2                          Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall
        ANNUAL Y CITY TOY DRIVE              THE BETHLEHEM WALK                     Dresden Branch Library            (334 Shinnick St., Zanesville)
           Ongoing until closer to Christmas    November 29, 30 & December 1     Dresden Meeting Room                    7PM - 8PM
        New unwrapped toys are being accepted at Red    Chandlersville Methodist Church   (816 Main Street Dresden)   Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra (SEOSO)
        Rose Tattoo, True North Fitness, ZPD, Gracie   (9105 Chandlersville Rd, Chandlersville)   10:30AM - 11AM      provides a unique opportunity for talented stu-
        Allegiance, and Crossfit Contour.  Toys will be                                                               dent musicians to perform on strings, wind, brass,
        distributed on December 25 to local families.   6PM - 9PM                Celebrate a unique and joyful introduction to the   and percussion alongside professional and semi-
                                             Free outdoor live drama. Rain or Shine! Come   world of music for young children. Register: https://  professional musicians from across the region.
        MUSKINGUM COUNTY                     experience the walk Mary and Joseph took the    SEOSO performs five major concerts each year,
                                             night our Saviour was born. Each group tour lasts
        COURTHOUSE LIGHT DISPLAY             approximately one hour. The event is FREE. Your                          including an annual Christmas Pops concert and
                                                                                                                      a spring children’s concert. For more details, call
           Through January 2                 monetary donations help with production costs.   PET PHOTOS WITH SANTA   LeAnne Mock at 614-582-2009
                                                                                    December 2 and December 9
          Muskingum County Courthouse        Refreshments served in the Chandlersville Com-   Colony Square Mall
           Sun-Thu 5 - 9PM,                  munity Building.                    (3565 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)      CHALFANT CHURCH’S  ANNUAL
        Fri & Sat 5 - 10PM                   SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY                                                  CHRISTMAS PROGRAM
        Be sure to catch the Courthouse Light Display                               5:30PM - 7PM                         Sunday, December 8
        Sunday through Thursday from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.    November 30            Capture Santa photos with your pets! During    Chalfant Church
        and on Friday and Saturday until 10:00 p.m.    The Elk’s Eye Art Market  these events, we’ll be collecting donations on be-
        While downtown, be sure to visit Zane’s Landing   (22 South 4th Street, Zanesville)   half of The Humane Society of the United States   (5 miles north of Dresden on CR 439)
        Park to see hundreds of lights and decora-   10AM - 6PM                  and Humane Society International.       1PM Dinner, 2PM - Service
        tions.                               Support 30 small business owners in the artists   ANNUAL NEW CONCORD BRANCH   Chalfant Church’s  annual  Christmas program
                                                                                                                      will be on Sunday, December 8th, at 2:00 fol-
        BLACK FRI-YAH!                       we have available in our small, women-owned   LIBRARY HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE  lowing a 1:00 p.m carry-in dinner. The church is
                                             business. Our artists are local and unique- a great
           November 29th                     combination. This chance to pick up locally made    December 2           located five miles north of Dresden on County
          The Elk’s Eye Art Market           art is a prime gift shopping opportunity and make   New Concord Branch Library  Road 439.  The public is invited to attend.
        (22 South 4th Street, Zanesville)    s a statement in supporting small businesses.   Meeting Room
           10AM - 6PM                                                            (77 West Main St., New Concord)      FIRST FRIDAY- ROCKIN’ AROUND
        After a long day of bargain shopping, stop into   PHOTOS WITH SANTA IN      5PM - 6:30PM                      THE CHRISTMAS TREE
        The Elk’s Eye Art Market to snag some gifts for   BUCKEYE GEAR           The Friends of the Library will be passing out hot    December 6
        the hard-to-shop-for people on your list, and    November 30             chocolate and treats to everyone who stops by    The Elk’s Eye Art Market
        reward yourself with some sweet treats as you    Colony Square Mall      during their open house. This is the same night as   (22 South 4th Street, Zanesville)
        peruse the works of 30+ local artists who offer   (3575 Maple Avenue Zanesville)   the community parade and tree lighting.
        unique finds. You might be surprised how many                                                                    5PM - 8PM
        items you can check off your list. With many dif-   11AM - 8PM           EAST MUSKINGUM ANNUAL                Check out the festive fanfare at The Elk’s Eye
        ferent mediums available, we have something for   O-H! Santa will be here in his Buckeye gear to   CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING   Art Market while shopping locally made art from
        practically everyone.                cheer on the Buckeyes on Saturday, November                              30+ artists from the area. As you look for unique
                                             30th! This is a one-day-only opportunity to visit    December 2          gifts for yourself or others, you can sample sweet
        BLACK FRIDAY WEEKEND CRAFT           with, and get your picture taken with Buckeye    New Concord             treats and rock along with Julie Keirle playing
                                             Santa! Brutus will also be visiting from 11:30am-
                                                                                                                      some Christmas tunes on Ukelele. Nothing gets
        & VENDOR SHOW                        1:30pm.To make your reservation for Saturday,    6PM                     you in the mood for the Holiday festivities like
           November 29 - December 1          November 30 go to: and click                            some great traditional and contemporary Christ-
          The Colony Square Mall             on “Book My Visit” and search for Colony Square   NEW CONCORD AREA BOARD OF   mas music.
        (565 Maple Avenue, Zanesville)       Mall.                               TRADE CHRISTMAS PARADE
                                                                                    December 2
           8AM - 5PM                                                                                                  32ND ANNUAL FESTIVAL
        Mall-wide show featuring locally made custom   THE NUTCRACKER               New Concord                       OF TREES
        home decor and gifts, jewelry, household items,    November 30 & December 1    6:30PM                            December 6
        boutique clothing, direct sales consultants and    Secrest Auditorium and Music Hall                            Zanesville - Muskingum County
        more!                                (334 Shinnick St, Zanesville)       NATIONAL ROAD AND ZANE GREY          Welcome Center
                                               2PM - 6PM                         MUSEUM HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE               9AM - 6PM
                                             The Nutcracker, a delightful holiday classic, will    December 3         Mark your calendar and join the Z-M Chamber on
                                             light up the Secrest Auditorium stage. This stun-   National Road and Zane Grey Museum  Friday, December 6th for the 32nd Annual Festival
                                             ning family-friendly production includes more    1 - 4PM                 of Trees auction! Listen live on AM1240, or plan
                                             than 200 local dancers, along with professional                          to attend the auction in person at the Zanesville-
                                             guest artists.  Tickets:  Featuring John Glenn High School’s JG Company  Muskingum  County Welcome Center from 9:00
                                             events/419_The-Nutcracker                                                a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Festival of Trees Auction Preview:
                                                                                 HOLIDAY COOKIE BAKING                Wednesday, December 4th  - 10:00  a.m.  - 5:00
                                                                                    December 4                        p.m. Call 740-450-1990 to bid!
                                                                                    OUZ/Zane State Library - Herrold Hall
                                                                                 (1425 Newark Rd, Zanesville)         CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL CONCERT
                                                                                                                         December 6
                                                                                    3:30PM - 4:30PM
               A Unique Holiday                                                  Join us at the OUZ/Zane State Library to make   (College Drive, New Concord)
                                                                                                                        Muskingum University - Brown Chapel
                                                                                 a sweet holiday treat. We’ll provide all the ingre-
            Shopping Experience                                                  dients & recipes you need to create a batch of   Celebrate the holiday season at Muskingum Uni-
                                                                                 delicious holiday cookies. All skill levels welcome.

                                                                                                                      versity’s annual Christmas Festival.
                                                                                 event/12094308                       FIRST FRIDAY HOLIDAY ART
            Close to Home                                                        STORYBOOK CHRISTMAS                  GATHERING
                                                                                 PARADE                                  December 6
                                                                                    December 4                          Yan Sun Art Museum & Gallery
                                                                                    Downtown                          (604 Main Stree, Zanesville)
                                                                                    6PM                                  5PM - 8PM
                                                                                 The parade will begin on Shinnick by Secrest   Celebrate the season with art, friends, and good
                             Historic Roscoe Village’s annual Christmas Candlelighting Ceremony is   Auditorium and will proceed along Shinnick to 6th   cheer at our  special  open  house event. Enjoy a
                                                                                                                      festive evening as you explore a curated selection
                                   Saturday, December 7th & Saturday, December 14th!   Street, to Market, then to 3rd, and will wrap back   of artwork, perfect for art lovers of all kinds. With
                                                                                 up at Secrest.
                              Enjoy shopping, dining, free hot cider & cookies, Christmas carolers, and more!         refreshments, inspiring creations, and the warmth
                                                                                                                      of the holiday spirit, it’s an event you won’t want
                                                                                                                      to miss. Experience the joy of the holidays through
                              Whitewoman St., Coshocton  |                                        the unique  perspectives of  various  artists. Free
                                                                                                                      and open to the public.
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