Page 5 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
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NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 12, 2024                                                                                           LOCAL NEWS    | PAGE 5
         ‘Start to Finish’ grant cycle recipients use                                                                 Schaffer

         funds to continue to make a positive impact on                                                               Issues

         the community                       by Lynette Dotson                                                        Statement on

                                                                                                                      CHIPS Award

                                                                                                                      Funding for



                                                                                                                          State Senator Tim Schaffer (R-Lan-
                                                                                                                      caster)  issued the  following  statement
                                                                                                                      on Intel’s CHIP award from the U.S. De-
                                                                                                                      partment of Commerce:
                                                                                                                          Great news for Licking County
                                                                                                                      and all of Ohio today as Intel has been
                                                                                                                      awarded  up  to $7.86  billion  from the
                                                                                                                      U.S. CHIPS and Science Act. This grant
                                                                                                                      will help Intel continue construction and
                                                                                                                      move us closer to the Silicon Heartland
                                                                                                                      becoming a reality.
                                                                                                                          Intel’s presence in  our  region  will
        Pictured from left to right are Beth Fox, Betsy Rosser, Gary King, Susan Holdren, LaTrell Davis, Pamela Kuntz, and Pamela Kirst.     Matthew Dotson  boost national  security. Bringing  chip-
                                                                                                                      making  back to the U.S.  is  imperative
          The Muskingum Soil and Water Con-  and  disease,  harvesting,  but  then also  direct hit on the building and caused a   for our nation’s success. The CHIPS Act
        servation  District and  Avondale Youth   there is that really important element of  lot of expensive damage to the roof. It   funding is just one piece of the puzzle.
        Center were two of 21  recipients of   what do you do with this produce once  caused a power surge which wiped out   The federal government has also award-
        “Start to Finish” grants from the J.W. &   you have grown it, and we find that a lot  our camera system also. So that made   ed Intel a $3 billion contract to expand
        M.H. Straker Charitable Foundation this   of people are lacking in that knowledge  the need to replace the system a little   manufacturing  of  semiconductors for
        fall.  The foundation awarded  $320,000   in our community so that is the idea be-  more  urgent  and  the Straker  grant  al-  the U.S. government.
        in total during the grant cycle.     hind the kitchen aspect of the project.   lowed us to replace that system, but not      Today is also  a pivotal one for our
          The Muskingum Soil and Water Con-  So we are going to be teaching people  only replace it but upgrade it to some-  state’s economic  prosperity.  I  am  ex-
        servation  District  started the Urban   how  to  prepare,  how  to  preserve that  thing that would meet our needs better,   cited for the new careers, development,
        Greens program in 2016 with the mis-  food as well, and partnering with a lot of  and would allow us to have audio on all   and opportunities that will be available
        sion  to provide fresh produce  and  gar-  local agencies in order to bring all of this  of our cameras, and just better surveil-  to Ohioans as a result of this historic in-
        dening  opportunities.  Since  then the   together.  OSU Extension,  Food  Works  lance and security on the property,” ex-  vestment.
        mission  has  evolved to include  grow-  Alliance, Central State University, the Li-  plained Gary King,  the  Director  for  the
        ing food for food pantries in the county   brary, those are just some of the people  Avondale Youth Center.
        and to educate the community on how   we will be partnering with and then we      To learn about the Avondale Youth
        to grow their own food.  A new outdoor   have also looped in local artist Ramond  Center visit
        education  space  is being  added  with   Ramos who is going to be painting mu-  Avondale_Youth_Center.
        funds provided through the grant from   rals as the backdrops for those sorts of    “We really  appreciate the  Straker
        the Straker Foundation.              educational  spaces and  our  goal  is to  Foundation supporting us and deciding
          “At Urban Greens we have six commu-  partner more with our local art commu-  that we were worthy of that grant and
        nity gardens throughout the county that   nity and try to get more events like art in  funding us, it really is a great honor to
        we oversee and Marshall Greens is our   the garden going with that as well.  It is  be among the people that they view as
        largest of those gardens we call it more   just a lot of opportunity to broaden our  important in the  community and fund.
                                                                                 We have always felt really  supported  Made with 100%%
        like a small farm, it’s over an acre and a   reach in the community really.”
        half of production and that is where the     Further information  about  Urban  by them and we really appreciate their
        bulk of our volunteers spend their time   Greens and the Muskingum Soil and Wa-  funding of this project,” said King.  local news.
        in the program. Marshall Greens is the   ter Conservation District can be found at    For  further information  about  the
        location of this project we are building        Straker  Foundation  visit  www.straker-
        out an  outdoor  classroom and  kitchen     Avondale Youth Center was able to re-
        space to just provide a fun and engag-  place and upgrade their camera system
        ing space to offer education around cul-  after their old  one was damaged this
        tivating food and fostering conservation   summer during a storm.
        practices,”explained  Betsy Rosser, Ur-    “We  had  a camera  system  that had
        ban Agriculture & Education Specialist.   been in place for a number of years, it
        “We are coming up with a beginner gar-  was outdated as far as technology goes
        dener series that we are going to be of-  and it was at the point that it really need-
        fering throughout the season and part of   ed to be replaced, but then this summer
        that education will be prepping your site,   we had a pretty serious weather event,
        growing  your  food,  maintaining  pests   it was a tornado-like situation, it was a

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