Page 13 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
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NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 12, 2024                                                                                         HOLIDAY GUIDE  | PAGE 13
        Timber Run Gardens holds annual Night of Lights event

         by Lynette Dotson
          Timber Run Gardens, located at 4350   the way til we shut down
        West Pike Zanesville, held their annual   in mid January.  We open
        Night of Lights earlier this month.  The   back up  in  the spring,”
        event allowed the public to get decorat-  said  employee Amanda
        ing ideas, enjoy some refreshments and   Schoop.
        browse the latest holiday decor and se-    In  addition  to the  pre-
        lection of Christmas trees.          made  items for  sale,
          “We started doing  it as  a  promotion   Timber Run Gardens also
        and it was very successful.  It brought   does  custom orders for
        the community together and got every-  certain  items  like  grave
        one into the  holiday spirit,”  said  Steve   blankets  and  mounds.
        Carter, the  owner of Timber Run  Gar-  The  business also offers
        dens.                                landscaping year-round.
          The  shop  was decorated beautifully     Timber Run  Gardens
        from  floor  to  ceiling  and  featured  a   is  open Monday  through
        wide selection of artificial and cut trees,   Friday from 8:00 a.m. to
        poinsettias,  Christmas  cacti,  amaryllis,   5:00 p.m., Saturday from
        cyclamen Norfolk pine trees, rosemary   9:00  a.m.  to  4:00  p.m.
        trees, ornaments, wreaths,  decor and   and  Sunday  11:00  a.m.
        more.                                to 4:00 p.m. You can find
          “We  have  artificial  trees  inside  and   them on Facebook and at
        real  trees  outside  with sizes  ranging
        from 7 to 9 feet and 9 to 12 feet,” ex-  For questions or to place
        plained Schoop.                      a custom order call (740)
          “We start putting  the trees up  after   454-0293.
        the fall sale in September and it runs all

        Local artist Ron Cole debuts 2024 Zanesville Holiday Painting

         by Lynette Dotson
          For  the  past  eight years or  so artist    “This was a classic  period  for  down-  permit traversing  vessels.  The  mills,  also available. While there you can also
        Ron Cole has been creating a Zanesville  town  Zanesville,  after  the  1913  flood.   power station, and water tower did not  browse his extensive collection of art in-
        holiday painting and  uses his artwork  The  Y-Bridge had  been uncovered and   long last into history. The Christmas dec-  spired by history.
        to create Christmas  cards  and  prints.  electrified,  but  the  trollies  still  shared   orations I’ve depicted on the bridge are    A specially  framed  40  by 60  inch
        This year’s design showcases a team of  the bridge with motor traffic. The east-  actually correct for the City of Zanesville  Y-Bridge Zanesville Ohio Budweiser
        Budweiser Clydesdales pulling a wagon  ern span onto Main Street was broken   in 1933,” Cole explains.        Clydesdales c. 1933 has been donated
        across Zanesville’s Y-Bridge as it would  by  a  vast elevator  over  the canal  that     “The  Budweiser Clydesdale  horses  to the  Zanesville-Muskingum County
        have looked in the 1930s.            raised  the entire  street into  the sky to   came to the Y-Bridge  over the sum-  Chamber of Commerce to be auctioned
                                                                                 mer, and my wife said what you should  during their Festival of Trees which will
                                                                                 do for your Festival of Trees piece this  be held on Friday, December 6th  from
                                                                                 year should be the Clydesdales on the  9  a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  at the  Zanesville-
                                                                                 Y-Bridge  and  I thought that would  be  Muskingum  County  Welcome Center.
                                                                                 fabulous  and  I like  to backdate  every-  A viewing will take place ahead of the
                                                                                 thing  I  like to try to show the history  auction  on Wednesday, December 4th
                                                                                 of downtown  Zanesville.   They haven’t  from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. The auc-
                                                                                 changed at all, that whole concept was  tion will be able to be heard on AM1240.
                                                                                 created in 1933 with the end of the pro-  Bidders may call 740-450-1990 during
                                                                                 hibition, what a brilliant marketing con-  the auction to place their bid. For more
                                                                                 cept to  put  a  team  of  horses  together  information visit
                                                                                 and deliver free Budweiser to all of the
                                                                                 American politicians who had supported
                                                                                 the  repeal  of prohibition  starting with
                                                                                 FDR at the White House and they went
                                                                                 all across the country with that team of
                                                                                 horses and what is also amazing is that
                                                                                 the tack,  the horses, the setup  hasn’t   Made with 100%%
                                                                                 changed since 1933.”
                                                                                   A  five  pack  of  Christmas  cards  with
                                                                                 the 2024 design  can  be  purchased  at    local news.
        Ron Cole pictured with his 2024 holiday painting.    submitted  Prints  in  larger  sizes  are

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                                                                                                   (302) 373-0086 | Mon.-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5
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