Page 18 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
P. 18
Lady Dawgs split the first two Rosecrans girls basketball takes
non-conference games of a pair of losses in a three-game
the season by Matthew Dotson home-opening season kickoff
by Matthew Dotson
Vs Morgan (11/25) lead by the end of the first period.
When the Raiders came to town on Unable to block the advances of
Monday from McConnelsville the Lady the Panthers the Bishops doubled
Bishops were not quite ready for the their points in the second quarter, but
Morgan girls at Rogge Gymnasium. Maysville did as well leading the home
Within the first few minutes, the girls team 33 – 11 at the break for the half.
were already trailing 17 – 6 after a bevy The girls put up a good effort but there
of shots from the Lady Raiders. was no stopping Maysville who were de-
In hopes of closing the gap before the termined to take the win rounding up
end of the first half, the Bishops faltered another 27 points in the second half of
as they struggled to get another six as the game to take home a win for their
Morgan sent them to the halftime break first game of the season with a 60 – 20
down 30 – 12. score over Rosecrans.
The second half of the game was just Abby Sagan had the top score for the
as difficult for the home team as they Bishops with nine points, and teammate
couldn’t get around the Raider’s defens- Emily Jenkins had eight points.
es and they fell to the visitors 52 – 20.
Mackenzie Harvey jumps over the Eagle defenders to make a two-pointer. Matthew Dotson
Emily Jenkins had the game high of
On Friday night on Coach Rich Longa- Valley who stayed one shot ahead at 11 10 points for the Bishops and teammate
Abby Saggan had six points.
berger Court in Dresden, the girls from – 9 for the quarter taking the winning
New Albany showed up to play the Scot- final score of 42 – 33.
ties. In the season-opener game, Tri- Maddie Garber contributed seven Vs Millersport (11/23)
Valley was fired up and ready to play as points for the Scotties. In the second game of the season, hot
they pushed out a quick five-point lead On Tuesday, November 26th, the Scot- off of the heals of the loss to Maysville,
in the first quarter of the game helped ties traveled to Grove City to face the the Bishops hosted the Millersport Lady
by Freshman Emma Smith’s five points Greyhounds in an extremely close non- Lakers from Fairfield County in a very
in the period marking the score at 14 – conference matchup the Lady Dawgs close matchup that saw the game come
9 at the end of the first. fell 50 – 46 in the final minutes of the down to the wire in a four-quarter shot
The Eagles stepped it up in the second game. by shot brawl that was won minute by
quarter, scoring almost twice as much Next on the docket for Tri-Valley is minute in a nailbiting 39 – 34 victory
as the Scotties but they still ended the nearby MVL competitor the West Musk- that set the Bishops at 1 – 1 overall.
first half down 18 – 16. ingum Tornadoes. Last season West M
Back on the court, the Lady Dawgs pushed past the Scotties and most of Vs Maysville (11/22)
went back to work keeping pace with their other opponents to make it all the In the season/home-opener for the
their first quarter as they pumped out way to the Division II Region 7 Semifi- Bishops, the Lady Panthers came to
13 points, six of which were attributed to nals. The Lady Dawgs put up a fight but visit their home court. The Rosecrans
Scotties standout hoopster Jacie Rolli- lost the matchup by a score of 41 – 26. girls fell behind right away as Maysville Rachel Gundelfinger fights her way around the
son who had a duet of three-point shots. Game time is set for 6 pm. started pumping out points in the first Lady Bishops defender Malorie Crooks.
In the final frame, New Albany put up few seconds of the game with a 17 – 5 Matthew Dotson
a good fight, but they couldn’t catch Tri-
Let the Splashing Begin
by Mike Stirling
A very talented Tri-Valley swim squad Valley swimmer Tanner Mohler (back,
greeted head coach Christi Holmes as fly) .
the Scottie swimmers converged on the Sophomore boys include Kollin
Muskingum Valley Family YMCA swim Buckner (free, fly, back), Adam Hustey
facility in Zanesville to prepare for the (free, back), Danny Jiang (breast), Dal-
2024-25 swim competitions. lin Stirling (free, breast), Garrett Stirling
To carry the banner for the Scottie (free, fly), Eli Woytko (free, breast), and
swimmers, a total of 28 student athletes Sophomore girls Savannah Brooks (free,
brought their individual skills and talents fly, back), Brianna Clark (free, back), and
to the YMCA where Coach Christi and Addison Durst (fly, free).
her staff reviewed not only the schedule A field of 11 swimmers will swim
but also the high standards that have as Juniors, 8 boys and 3 girls. For the
been established for the swimmers. It Junior girls, Braylie Burkey (free, breast)
became obvious that much more is in- will join teammates Sarah Jacoby (free,
volved in addition to swimming laps and back) and Dara Wilson (back and IM)
becoming physically prepared. and 8 boys will go to the blocks for the
On the girls side, a total of nine Dawgs including Caden Blake (free,
young women will put on the Gold and back), Cole Dougherty (free, back),
Black which includes 1 Freshman, 3 Jaxon Hammond (free, breast), Owen
Sophomores, 3 Juniors and 2 Seniors. Harney (breast, free), AJ Lawler (back,
Great opportunities are available since IM), Aiden Lentz (free, fly), Sam Wegner
the squad lost some talented Seniors (free) as well as Licking Valley veteran
due to graduation. Tyler Mohler (free, breast).
Boys swimmers will boast a total of Two Senior boys will join 2 Senior
18 athletes which includes 3 Freshman, girls to represent the Dresden school
6 Sophomores, 8 Juniors and will be this swim year. The girls are Kendyll
anchored by two 2 Seniors. Two swim- Buckner (breast, IM) and teammate
mers from Licking Valley have also been Dani Stewart (back, breast, free, IM).
invited to swim with the Tri-Valley crew The boys will be represented by Carter
since they have no team of their own. Dinan (free, fly, breast) and Jack More-
Freshman swimmers include Kylie house (back, free).
Martin (breast) for the girls, and boys All-in-all the 2024-25 promises to
Coen Fuhriman (free, breast), Logan be an exciting swim year as the Tri-Valley
Heemeyer (free, back) and new Licking athletes take to the water.
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