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PAGE 2 |  LOCAL NEWS                                                                                           NOVEMBER 29 - DECEMBER 12, 2024
                                             COVER STORY
                                             Dresden Radio Club celebrates completion of

                                             $1,500 grant from the Straker Foundation

                                             by Lynette Dotson

                  NEXT DEADLINE
                December 9 at 5PM

                    NEXT ISSUE
                   December 13

           DRESDEN: Bonnie Longaberger Senior Center,
          Scotties Den, Dari Twist, Circle K, Thirsty Dawg,
           The Warehouse Restaurant, Dresden Branch
         Library, Creno’s Pizza, Beauty By Design, Dresden
            Buzz, Main Street Pizzeria, The Mill, Agin
          Hardware, Certified, Subway, Shrivers Pharmacy,
                Humble Heart, Smore Baskets
           FRAZEYSBURG: New Beginnings Drive Thru,
             Dairy Queen, Frazeysburg Village Office,
           Subway, Duchess Gas Station, Fallsburg Pizza
                 NASHPORT: Crenos Pizza

           ZANESVILLE: Kroger, The Muskingum County
          YMCA, John McIntire Library, Muskingum County
             Center for Seniors, Mass Media Comics,
          Denny’s Classic Diner, Fieldhouse Family Sports
             and Wellness Center, Donald’s Donuts,
           The Zanesville-Muskingum County Conference
           & Welcome Center, The Elk’s Eye Art Market,
            Walgreens (Military Rd.), The Carr Center
            SOUTH ZANESVILLE: South Branch Library,
            Darrell’s Donuts, Central Pike Coffee Co.  The Dresden Elementary Amateur Radio Station Club KD8NOM took to the radios in two groups to demonstrate the skills they have learned and to showcase
                                             the new equipment they are now able to put into use thanks to the generosity of the J.W. & M.H. Straker Charitable Foundation.   Lynette Dotson
                  AVONDALE: Tina’s Diner
              WEST PIKE: Litten Home Hardware,     The Dresden Elementary Amateur Ra-  states  are at, where the  countries are
                    West Side Market         dio Station (D.E.A.R.S.) recently celebrat-  at, “how far did I talk today” where it is
                                             ed the completion of their $1,500 grant   on the map, curriculum tie-ins, there are
           NEW CONCORD: Scott’s Diner, Wally’s Pizza,   from the J.W. & M.H. Straker Charitable  math tie-ins,” said club founder and ad-
         New Concord Branch Library, Creno’s Pizza, Orme   Foundation.   Parents,  advisors,  and  a  visor Jim Mayercak.
                  Hardware, Arena Cuts
                                             special guest from the Straker Founda-    The  club  utilizes  expensive  radio
           DUNCAN FALLS: Duncan Falls/Philo Branch   tion, Susan Holdren, the President and  equipment  that up  until  receiving  the
                       Library               Executive  Director all  watched as the  funding  from  the Straker  Foundation
                                             club’s  members took to the  radios  to  was difficult to store safely and securely.
              ROSEVILLE: Roseville Branch Library  communicate with other amateur radio  Plus,  setting  up  and  tearing  down  the
                                             operators.                          equipment took extra time. Additionally,
                                               “It’s just really fun to go out into the  there was not an easy way to transport
                                             community and see our dollars at work,”  the  equipment for off site  operating.
                                             said Holdren. “We especially have a soft  With the grant money, the club was able
                                             spot for those things that children work  to solve all of the challenges pertaining   Larry Miskimens works with the students as they
                                             with.                               to  their equipment  by purchasing  and   make contact with other radio amateurs in the
                                               Dresden  Elementary is one of the  implementing  rugged  and  lightweight   country.     Lynette Dotson
                                             few in the US that offers a club where  cases and  some  additional  accesso-
                                             elementary students can communicate  ries that completed each station.  Each   throughout the community since the or-
                                             with  other radio  amateurs within  the  case has everything the students need   ganization was founded in 1994.
                                             state and beyond.  The club sometimes  packed securely and portably.       “We try to do as much as we can.
                                             even makes contact with operators from    “Some  of the  accessories  we  pur-  We try to hit all  areas  of Muskingum
                                             other countries!                    chased  for  the cases were speakers   County, and  as you  know Muskingum
                                               “Some  of  these  kids  competed in  that are mounted inside the case, and   County doesn’t have a lot of population
                                             February in a contest against all other  a meter so we know how much power   but  it does have a  lot of square  miles
                                             schools,  elementary,  middle  school,  is going out and that the match is cor-  so  from  Dresden  to  Roseville  to  New
                                             high schools, and colleges and we came  rect with the  antenna,  everything  is in   Concord and so on. So we really try and
                                             out  number  one  in  North America  as  one box along with a power supply and   make a concerted effort to hit a lot of
                                             an elementary club and our score was  there is a fan to keep everything cool be-  areas.  Last  spring  we were very heavy
                                             even  better  than  some middle  school  fore all of that had to be set up individu-  on Dresden, we did a lot of work on the
                                             and even high schools.  They are listen-  ally  and  wired  individually  and  it took   ballparks, and we have really done tons
                                             ing to what they are doing, and who they  so much time, now we just bring in the   at the pool. But this is different, those
                                             are talking to.  The kids learn where the  case, set it there, connect the antenna   were all outside things, which of course
                                                                                 and we are on the air,” said Mayercak.  we like, but we thought it would be good
                                                                                   “Before when we had a field day which   to do an inside thing too that kids can
                                                                                 is an event where we have overnight op-  do  especially  when  the weather is  not
                                                                                 erations and a trailer, we would have to   good, but still, they can be active - not on
                                                                                 take everything in cardboard boxes and   their screens, we like that. Things that
                                                                                 set it all up,” explained Mayercak.  “This   can get kids away from the screens, and
                                                                                 summer we had a field day and every-  even though  they are  individual  here
                                                                                 thing was right in the box, so plug in the   they are interacting with each other as
                                                                                 cable and off we go.”                well,” said Holdren.
                                                                                   “Our heartfelt thanks go to the Strak-    To learn more about The Straker Foun-
                                                                                 er  Charitable  Foundation  for  making   dation  please visit strakerfoundation.
                                                                                 this possible for our distinctive group of   org.   The  D.E.A.R.S.  can  be found  on
                                                                                 students,” Mayercak said with apprecia-  Facebook at
                                             Jim Mayercak, the Founder and Advisor of the   tion.
                                             D.E.A.R.S. stands next to Susan Holdren, Presi-    The  Straker Foundation  has  been
                                             dent and Executive Director of the J.W. & M.H.   instrumental  in  generously  providing
                                             Straker Charitable Foundation and watch as a   much needed funds  to numerous or-  HAVE A POSITIVE NEWS TIP?
                                             table of club members go live to speak over the   ganizations  and  educational  programs   CALL OR TEXT 740-270-2408.
                   ©2018-2024 Dotson Design Studio, LLC  airways.      Lynette Dotson
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