Page 3 - Dresden Buzz 11-29-24
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Oldest living resident of Muskingum County turned 107 this
was one of the founders of 4-H Camp December 27th and served as a cook street leading to the John Glenn Cam- Belated birthday cards may be sent to:
Ohio. and military police. pus. HELEN PURCELL ASSISTED LIVING
Vivian Kelly and Russell McCall both Vivian worked at our Kresge store on Russell was elected to the John Glenn 1854 NORWOOD BLVD.
attended New Concord Schools and ben- the corner of Main and Fifth Street for School Board and later served 48 years ZANESVILLE, OH 43701
efitted from that youth program, both five years making a bit over $11.00 per on the Muskingum County School Board.
graduating in 1936. week. It was during this period that our Musk-
Remember, those were Depression Discharged in 1945, the young couple ingum Vocational Technical School was
Days, Rural Electric was being intro- came back to the New Concord area, established on Richards Road. Facts about the year 1917
duced and World War II was brewing. and their rural heritage of raising cattle, They belonged to College Drive Pres-
The Japanese struck Pearl Harbor on sheep, chickens, and mink. In fact, Viv- byterian Church, enjoyed being involved
Sunday, December 7th, 1941. ian still has the mink stole Russell had in Farm Bureau and Grange activities, • The life expectancy for males was
Russell and Vivian were married made for her using some of his own and relaxed to Lawrence Welk. Wheel of 48.4 years and 54 years for
Christmas Eve after the Christmas Eve mink. Fortune, and The Price is Right. females.
program at the First Methodist Church In 1950 they built a new brick home, They also had a restaurant on East
on Putnam Avenue by Reverend Carter. a story an a half with a full basement Route 40, known as “McCalls Chicken • The Converse All-Star “Chuck
Russell left for the Army in Texas on on the corner of State Route 8 and the House” from 1953-1968. Vivian says Taylor” Basketball Shoe was first
she often wonders just how many pies produced in 1917.
she baked.
When Interstate I-70 was being con- • The term “breakfast is the most
structed they chose to change their important meal of the day” was
menu to a smorgasbord style. popularized by Kellogg’s cereal.
Their nephew Bill McCall took over the
farming operations when they decided • The first use of OMG was in Lord
to move to the Helen Purcell Home in Fisher’s September 9, 1917,
December 2013. Located at 1854 Nor- letter to Winston Churchill.
wood Blvd., Zanesville. It’s easy to find
Vivian’s room, located on the first floor • Melvin Jones founded Lions Clubs
because there are chickens everywhere International.
in the hall and all around.
Never being blessed with children, • The US President was Woodrow
they filled their lives with Grange, Farm Wilson.
Bureau, and church activities.
We lost Russell in 2013. Vivian would • Wildfire by Zane Grey was one
love to have better eyesight but she of the top five best selling
doesn’t let it slow her down. Her favor- fiction books.
ite pie is cherry and I’m sure she would
enjoy a card, call or visit. Happy 107th • The World Series Champions were
Birthday Vivian and Happy Thanksgiv- the Chicago White Sox.
ing, God Bless You!
Vivian McCall born November 28, 1917 celebrating 107 years this Thanksgiving. Submitted
New Interventional
Cardiologist Joins Genesis
Olusola Olubowale, M.D.
tal Center, New York. He earned his Doc-
tor of Medicine from Olabisi Onabanjo
University/Obafemi Awolowo College of
Health Sciences, Nigeria, and a Master
of Public Health from the University of
Alabama at Birmingham.
Dr. Olubowale is a member of the
American College of Cardiology and the
American Heart Association, and he is
board-certified by the American Board
of Internal Medicine and Cardiovascular
Disease. He was the Chief Cardiology
Fellow and Cardiology Fellow of the Year
(2021) at Marshall University School of
Olusola Olubowale, M.D., special-
izing in interventional cardiology, has
joined the Genesis Heart & Vascular
Group within Genesis HealthCare Sys-
Dr. Olubowale completed a cardiol-
ogy and interventional cardiology fel- New Puzzles
lowship at Marshall University School
of Medicine, Huntington, West Virginia,
and an internal medicine residency at on Page 18!
the Columbia University/Harlem Hospi-